Self-Service Portal + Mail


I have Self-Serivce ( … n-ucs-4-1/) portal to recovery my password for all users. My UCS Master instance is setup in Amazon AWS / EC2 and until month ago all was working fine with sending a mail. Now UCS could not connect to gmail - my mail domain/server. Probably Amazon block some connection to this SMTP. I have done some research and all suggestion are point to SES in Amazon.

My question is: Do you know how to setup USC Postfix to use SES Server like a Relay host? Or maybe there is different possibility to setup it?

Thank you for any help and answer.



I dont believe that you really need SES.

source: Amazon SES FAQs

I’d suggest to investigate in the usual Postfix logs whats not working anymore.
In case you need to configure outbound sending through a relay: 13.8.1. Configuration of a relay host for sending the e-mails. I’d guess that this would be necessry for SES too.

Best Regards,
Dirk Ahrnke