is it nessesary to have the NSCD daemon running in a samba3 (non AD) environment? The other day we checked system state via system diagnostics in UMC. The diagnostics complain on a missing WINBIND daemon.
In the Samba Howto Winbind I read that it’s not a good idea to run both NSCD and WINBIND on the same host.
If so I’d prefer winbind anyway, because NSCD still shuts down every day for unknown reason. Seems to be a pretty old bug?
you need both NSCD and WINBIND running in the SAMBA3 enviroment.
Concerning the issue of the nscd shutting down, you can provide the nscd with a debug level and a logfile
ucr set nscd/logfile=/var/log/nscd.log nscd/debug/level=4
/etc/init.d/nscd restart
you can then look into the log file and send post a copy.
Also check if the error occurs if nscd/restart is disabled, see here:
root@ucsMaster1:~# ucr search nscd/restart
nscd/restart/interval: <empty>
If the automatic NSCD restart has been activated through the variable nscd/restart, the restart interval in seconds can be configured here. If no value is set, the restart occurs hourly.
nscd/restart: <empty>
If this variable is activated (possible values: yes/no) NSCD is restarted in fixed intervals (configurable through the variable nscd/restart/interval). This option can be used to address memory leaks.
The proper functioning of nscd is important because, it retrieves the data e.g. users, computers etc.from the LDAP Server.
since we unset the nscd/restart parameters, nscd does’nt seem to stop anymore Thank you very much.
Unfortunately, we know recognize some strange situations, when users try to login to the domain, via Windows7 clients. We noticed that:
some clients don’t execute the logon-script anymore (Users complain about not seeing any mapped network shares anymore)
some users cannot login at all
some clients wait “forever” to receive their roaming profile
To Hotfix the situation I deactivated winbind daemon. Since then everything seems to be fine.
Is there anything special with winbindd’s configuration?
Our configuration looks like this:
samba/winbind/max/clients: <empty>
The maximum number of connections Winbind can serve. If the variable is unset, 500 applies.
samba/winbind/nested/groups: no
UCS supports nested groups (groups as members of groups). If this variable is set to 'yes', Winbind resolves these nested groups.
samba/winbind/rpc/only: <empty>
If this variable is set to 'yes', Winbind will use RPC instead of LDAP to retrieve information from AD compatible Domain Controllers.
samba/winbind/trusted/domains/only: yes
If this variable is set to 'yes', Samba member servers are allowed to use Unix accounts stored in LDAP as UIDs for Winbind users.
winbind/autostart: yes
the samba-system is a slave. The problem was, that - for what reason, I can’t remember - we had enabled, the parameter samba/winbind/nested/groups: yes
I set this to no again. Since then we don’t have any problem anymore.