##If samba don’t start anymore with the following error messages:
(not on a memberserver [ucr get server/role] or with samba NT)
root@ucs-master:~# /etc/init.d/samba restart
Stopping Samba daemon: samba.
Samba is not configured as AD DC.
root@ucs-master:~# /etc/init.d/samba restart
Stopping Samba AD DC daemon: samba.
Stopping NetBIOS name server: nmbd.
Starting NetBIOS name server: nmbd.
smbd disabled by ucr var samba/autostart=no
Samba is not configured as AD DC.
you have to check the smb.conf in /etc/samba/
The following command can be used:
samba-tool testparm --parameter-name="server role" 2>/dev/null | tail -1
The expected output is:
active directory domain controller
If there is no output, something is misconfigured.
###Possible misconfigurations are:
- shares with double spaces in their name
- empty smb.conf
- included files which do not exist on the filesystem