Samba-Domain Migration UCS


We wanted to ask if there is a possibility, or tool, with which we can migrate the biggest part or the most important parts of an existing samba4-domain into a new an fresh installed UCS-Domain?
Are there any ways or empirical values?

Thank you for answers!
Have nice day.

I guess the current samba4-domain is not UCS based. Several people made samba4 based Zentyal migrations or self installed samba4 migrations to UCS using the UCS AD Takeover


No no the actual domain is just a standalone samba4-domain, so UCS is just joined and not even a backup-dc, just mailserver nothing else.

So you mean some people did a migration with the UCS.-AD-Takeover?
Is there any documentation or something? anyone?
Thank you!

Nobody? Nothing?

Nobody tried that before or did that before?

The general AD Takeover documentation from univention I already provided a link for. Regarding experience you could e.g. search for Zentyal or just
Samba4 and look through the topics.
