S4 objects not sync


on the ucs-master -> systemdiagnose i get the following error:

1 nicht synchronisierte UCS Objekte und 1 nicht synchronisierte S4 Objekte. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie unter Univention Support Database - How to deal with s4-connector rejects (https://help.univention.com/t/how-to-deal-with-s4-connector-rejects/33).

Nicht synchronisierte UCS Objekte:
  UCS DN: cn=Console Logon,cn=Builtin,dc=gehr,dc=lan,
  S4 DN: cn=console logon,cn=builtin,DC=gehr,DC=lan,
  Dateiname: /var/lib/univention-connector/s4/1540650544.924241

Nicht synchronisierte S4 Objekte:
  S4 DN: CN=Console Logon,CN=Builtin,DC=gehr,DC=lan,
  UCS DN: cn=console logon,cn=builtin,dc=gehr,dc=lan

how can I fix it?

with best

That object has been the topic of several discussions here. The consensus was, if I remember correctly, to configure the S4 connector to simply ignore that object and to remove the conflict.

The ignore list is a simple UCR variable, connector/s4/mapping/group/ignorelist. Append ,Console Logon to it & restart the S4 connector.

Then remove the conflicts with the usual scripts.
