Hm so findet es was (ausgeführt auf dem Backupserver, aber auf dem Master findet er den Konflikt auch):
# samba-tool dbcheck --check-for-conflicts
Delete the conflict object or delete the non-conflict object and rename the conflict object to CN=hostname,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1?
[1] delete the conflict object CN=hostname\0ACNF:Zensiert,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1
[2] delete the non-conflict object CN=hostname,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1 and rename the conflict object to CN=hostname,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1
[3] none
What do you want to do ['1', '2', '3']? 2
Failed to delete DN CN=hostname,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1 : (66, 'subtree_delete: Unable to delete a non-leaf node (it has 1 children)!')
Failed to rename object CN=hostname\0ACNF:Zensiert,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1 into CN=hostname,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1 : (68, 'Entry CN=hostname\\0ACNF:Zensiert,CN=bla,CN=windows,CN=Computers,DC=top2,DC=top1 already exists')
Checked 542 objects (0 errors)