Rocket chat - LDAP Benutzer fehlen / Users missing

english Version below

Nach der Erstinstallation von rocket chat werden keine User in Rocket-Chat angezeigt.
Nach UCS
“Der Rocket.Chat ist so konfiguriert, dass der UCS Verzeichnisdienst verwendet wird. Benutzer, die sich bei Rocket.Chat anmelden können sollen, müssen eine " primäre E-Mail-Adresse " definiert und das Kontrollkästchen " Nutzer für Rocket.Chat aktivieren " im Reiter " Apps " aktiviert haben. Die Einstellungen dafür finden sich im Modul " Benutzer " im UCS-Managementsystem.”

Beides erfüllt, LDAP-Test in Rocket-Chat ok, ab- und wieder angemeldet, App im UCS neu gestartet - immernoch keine Nutzer, irgendjemand eine Idee?

After the initial installation of rocket chat no users will be displayed in Rocket chat.
“The is configured to use the UCS directory service. Users who should be able to log in to Rocket.Chat must have defined a " primary e-mail address " and checked the " activate users for Rocket.Chat " box in the " Apps " tab. The settings for this can be found in the " User " module in the UCS management system.”

Both fulfilled, LDAP test in Rocket-Chat ok, logged off and on again, app restarted in UCS - still no users, anyone an idea?

Translated with

Einstellung gefunden! Unter Adminstration -> LDAP -> Hintergrundaktualisierung findet sich ein Eintrag
Synchronisierung neuer Benutzer im Hintergrund

Ja Nein

Dies wird alle Benutzer entsprechend Deiner Filterkriterien importieren, die im LDAP aber noch nicht in Rocket.Chat vorhanden sind.

Mal abwarten was passiert :wink:

Setting found! Under Adminstration -> LDAP -> Background update an entry is found
Synchronization of new users in the background

Yes No

This will import all users according to your filter criteria that are not yet present in Rocket.Chat in LDAP.

Wait and see what happens :wink:

1 Like

Hello @jessenthiesen,

the App Center provides Rocket.Chat Community, which has “basic LDAP sync”. This means, users are synchronized, when they login.

From what you describe, I assume, you activated the users for Rocket.Chat as required, but those users did not login yet, right? If this is the case, the app is working as intended.

Best regards,

As soon as I try to log in with an univention user I get the following error message.

rocketchat:logger server.js:197 LDAPHandler ➔ error { UnwillingToPerformError: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed     at messageCallback (/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/client/client.js:1419:45)     at Parser.onMessage (/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/client/client.js:1089:14)     at emitOne (events.js:116:13)     at Parser.emit (events.js:211:7)     at Parser.write (/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/messages/parser.js:111:8)     at Socket.onData (/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/client/client.js:1076:22)     at emitOne (events.js:116:13)     at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)     at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)     at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)     at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:208:10)     at TCP.onread (net.js:597:20)   lde_message: 'unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed',   lde_dn: null }

Looks like a secret for the bind is missing. Is this stored somewhere?


Hello @raceface2nd,

what does your /var/log/univention/appcenter.log say regarding the output after Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/

It looks like the script somehow could not set the LDAP bind password in the Rocket.Chat configuration. Have you been requested to set your admin password during the first login?

If this configure script does not tell you that the LDAP password has been set, here is how you can do it manually:

  1. Obtain the LDAP bind password from inside the container: univention-app shell rocketchat cat /etc/machine.secret. It looks something like this: 6b99145d8ef5a3d7a50682744f34f8f21451bbac38f268cdac8ff5a0b99fdc0a
  2. Login to Rocket.Chat with the pre-defined admin account. Go to OptionsAdministrationLDAPAuthentication.
  3. Copy the /etc/machine.secret to the field Password.


  1. You can the test the connection by hitting the blue Test Connection a little bit above.

I hope this helps and get’s you going.

Best regards,


Gives me a file not found error. There ist only available.

Extracting the machine secret did work.

Thank you!

Hello @raceface2nd,

could you please send me your /var/log/univention/appcenter.log and your /var/log/univention.join.log as direct message?

The configure_host should® be there. It takes care of providing the machine.secret to the Rocket.Chat configuration.

Good to hear that the manual way worked for you and got you up and running.

Best regards,

Hello @raceface2nd,

I just saw a mistake. The file in question should be


Do you have that one?

I edited my post above and corrected the mistake.

Best regards,

I only have the file rocketchat_20180612140649.configure_host.

Hello @raceface2nd,

and what does /var/log/univention/appcenter.log say around the installation of Rocket.Chat and concerning the configure_host script? There should be some log out. I assume you read something like “Unauthorized”. I had that during my tests once in a while and could not reproduce it. Of course, once the password for the user admin has been set to some other value, the script will return with “Unauthorized”, because it works with the default password and should only be run during installation.

Best regards

Hi Nico,

I can not find something like unauthorized. Please find the content of the appcenter.log while the install of below. I masked our domain with <OUR_DOMAIN> in the log.

 31327 actions.configure                19-02-05 15:54:12 [   DEBUG]: Calling /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ install --locale de --version 0.73.2 --error-file /tmp/tmpqYmmCL
 31327 actions.configure                19-02-05 15:59:16 [    INFO]: Waiting for Rocket.Chat to start (max. 5 minutes): .................................................................................................... Rocket.Chat did not respond in time!
 31327 actions.configure                19-02-05 15:59:16 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ returned with 2
 31327 actions.configure.progress       19-02-05 15:59:16 [   DEBUG]: 100
 31327 actions.update-certificates      19-02-05 15:59:16 [   DEBUG]: Calling update-certificates
 31327 actions.update-certificates.progress 19-02-05 15:59:16 [   DEBUG]: 0
 31327 actions.update-certificates      19-02-05 15:59:16 [    INFO]: updating certificates for rocketchat=0.73.2
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:16 [   DEBUG]: Using container.330f for container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:16 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:16 [ WARNING]: Error response from daemon: Container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 is restarting, wait until the container is running
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:16 [    INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ucs.crt
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:17 [   DEBUG]: Using container.330f for container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:17 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 which update-ca-certificates
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:17 [ WARNING]: Error response from daemon: Container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 is restarting, wait until the container is running
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:17 [   DEBUG]: Using container.330f for container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:17 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 mkdir -p /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:17 [ WARNING]: Error response from daemon: Container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 is restarting, wait until the container is running
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:17 [    INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:18 [    INFO]: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA: no such file or directory
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:18 [   ERROR]: Command docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem failed with: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA: no such file or directory (1)
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:18 [   DEBUG]: Using container.330f for container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:18 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 mkdir -p /etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:18 [ WARNING]: Error response from daemon: Container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 is restarting, wait until the container is running
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:18 [   DEBUG]: Using container.330f for container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:18 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 chmod 750 /etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:18 [ WARNING]: Error response from daemon: Container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 is restarting, wait until the container is running
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:18 [    INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/cert.pem 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate/cert.perm
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:19 [    INFO]: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate: no such file or directory
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:19 [   ERROR]: Command docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/cert.pem 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate/cert.perm failed with: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate: no such file or directory (1)
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:19 [    INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/private.key 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate/private.key
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:19 [    INFO]: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate: no such file or directory
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:19 [   ERROR]: Command docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/private.key 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate/private.key failed with: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/docker-host-certificate: no such file or directory (1)
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:19 [   DEBUG]: Using container.330f for container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:20 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 mkdir -p /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:20 [ WARNING]: Error response from daemon: Container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 is restarting, wait until the container is running
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:20 [   DEBUG]: Using container.330f for container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:20 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 chmod 750 /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>
 31327 update-certificates.container.330f 19-02-05 15:59:20 [ WARNING]: Error response from daemon: Container 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21 is restarting, wait until the container is running
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:20 [    INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/cert.pem 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/cert.perm
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:21 [    INFO]: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>: no such file or directory
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:21 [   ERROR]: Command docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/cert.pem 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/cert.perm failed with: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>: no such file or directory (1)
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:21 [    INFO]: Running command: docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/private.key 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/private.key
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:21 [    INFO]: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>: no such file or directory
 31327 update-certificates              19-02-05 15:59:21 [   ERROR]: Command docker cp /etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/private.key 330f09c1bbabfb788a544d68ee968e670c083ce0ceeb2b2918bfe08309aa5c21:/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>/private.key failed with: Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay/4ce5e4296380a253d449f0db157209c2cbb76dcaee2ec63b26e7251f764d4da9/merged/etc/univention/ssl/<OUR_DOMAIN>: no such file or directory (1)
 31327 actions.update-certificates      19-02-05 15:59:21 [   DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ does not exist
 31327 actions.update-certificates.progress 19-02-05 15:59:21 [   DEBUG]: 100
 31327 actions.install.progress         19-02-05 15:59:21 [   DEBUG]: 80
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:21 [    INFO]: Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:21 [   DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: copyright (c) 2001-2018 Univention GmbH, Germany
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: 
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 00kopano4ucs-safemode-on.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 02univention-directory-notifier.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 03univention-directory-listener.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 04univention-ldap-client.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 05univention-bind.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 08univention-apache.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 10univention-ldap-server.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 11univention-heimdal-init.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 11univention-pam.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 15univention-directory-notifier-post.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 15univention-heimdal-kdc.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 18python-univention-directory-manager.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:22 [    INFO]: Running 20univention-directory-policy.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 20univention-join.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 25univention-dhcp.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 26univention-nagios-common.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 28univention-nagios-server.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 30univention-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 30univention-nagios-client.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 31univention-nagios-libvirtd-kvm.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 31univention-nagios-s4-connector.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 31univention-nagios-samba.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 31univention-nagios-uvmmd.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 33univention-portal.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 34univention-management-console-server.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 34univention-self-service.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-appcenter-docker.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-diagnostic.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ipchange.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-join.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-lib.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:23 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-mrtg.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-printers.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-quota.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-reboot.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-services.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-setup.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-sysinfo.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-top.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ucr.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-updater.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-nagios-cups.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-nagios-dansguardian.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-nagios-squid.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-self-service-passwordreset-umc.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 35univention-server-overview.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 36univention-management-console-module-apps.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 40univention-postgresql.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 40univention-virtual-machine-manager-schema.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 43univention-virtual-machine-manager-node-common.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 44univention-virtual-machine-manager-daemon.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 44univention-virtual-machine-manager-node-kvm.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:24 [    INFO]: Running 45univention-management-console-module-uvmm.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:25 [    INFO]: Running 50collabora.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:25 [    INFO]: Running 50dudle.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:25 [    INFO]: Running 50mattermost.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:25 [    INFO]: Running 50nextcloud.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:25 [    INFO]: Running 50onlyoffice-ds.inst skipped (already executed)
  9835 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:25 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9835 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:25 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 152 apps from cache
  9835 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:25 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9835 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:25 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 214 apps from cache
  9835 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:25 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9835 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 386 apps from cache
  9835 actions.get                      19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Calling get
  9835 actions.get.progress             19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: 0
  9835 actions.get                      19-02-05 15:59:26 [    INFO]: Rocket.Chat
  9835 actions.get.progress             19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: 100
  9841 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9841 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 152 apps from cache
  9841 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9841 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 214 apps from cache
  9841 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9841 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 386 apps from cache
  9841 actions.get                      19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: Calling get
  9841 actions.get.progress             19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: 0
  9841 actions.get                      19-02-05 15:59:26 [    INFO]: appcenter/apps/rocketchat/container
  9841 actions.get.progress             19-02-05 15:59:26 [   DEBUG]: 100
  9848 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9848 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 152 apps from cache
  9848 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9848 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 214 apps from cache
  9848 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild
  9848 cache                            19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: Loaded 386 apps from cache
  9848 actions.get                      19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: Calling get
  9848 actions.get.progress             19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: 0
  9848 actions.get                      19-02-05 15:59:27 [    INFO]: 0.73.2
  9848 actions.get.progress             19-02-05 15:59:27 [   DEBUG]: 100
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:29 [    INFO]: Running 50rocketchat.inst done
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:29 [    INFO]: Running 70kopano4ucs-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:29 [    INFO]: Running 70kopano4ucs.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:29 [    INFO]: Running 71kopano4ucs-webapp.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 79univention-printserver.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 81univention-nfs-server.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 90univention-bind-post.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 91univention-saml.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 94univention-openvpn-master.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 94univention-openvpn-server.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 94univention-openvpn-sitetosite.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 96univention-samba4.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 97univention-s4-connector.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 98univention-pkgdb-tools.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 98univention-samba4-dns.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 98univention-samba4-saml-kerberos.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [    INFO]: Running 99kopano4ucs-safemode-off.inst skipped (already executed)
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:30 [   DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0
 31327 packages                         19-02-05 15:59:31 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
 31327 utils                            19-02-05 15:59:31 [   DEBUG]: send_information: action=install app=rocketchat value=None status=200
 31327 utils                            19-02-05 15:59:31 [   DEBUG]: tracking information: {'status': 200, 'uuid': 'e3b9c70c-8cef-4dc8-8c13-51b9becbdcf3', 'app': u'rocketchat', 'version': u'0.73.2', 'role': 'domaincontroller_master', 'action': 'install', 'system-uuid': '49d7bf26-4a01-49f6-a3e0-e3ca75c0203e'}
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:31 [    INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/apps.xml
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:31 [    INFO]: 
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:32 [    INFO]: Module: kopano-cfg
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:32 [    INFO]: 
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:32 [    INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/i18n/de/
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:32 [    INFO]: 
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:34 [    INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent
 31327 actions.install                  19-02-05 15:59:34 [    INFO]: 
 31327 actions.upgrade-search           19-02-05 15:59:34 [   DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
 31327 actions.upgrade-search.progress  19-02-05 15:59:34 [   DEBUG]: 0
 31327 actions.upgrade-search           19-02-05 15:59:34 [   DEBUG]: Checking rocketchat=0.73.2
 31327 actions.upgrade-search           19-02-05 15:59:34 [    INFO]: Executing interface update_available for rocketchat

Best regards!


Hallo Nico,

dank Deiner Tips habe ich die LDAP Konfiguration fast durch.
Allerdings bekomme ich bei dem Versuch die User zu synchronisieren folgende Fehlermeldung:
“error Please setup LDAP Group Filter and LDAP Group BaseDN in LDAP Settings”

So sieht es derzeit bei mir aus, weiß aber nicht was genau ich da eintragen muss:

Hello @Joerg.Baltschun,

in a default Rocket.Chat installation the LDAP Group filter is not configured. Groups are not used (yet). It looks like this:


The App does only configure a few LDAP settings upon installation. If you like, you can have a look at the compose file template:

For a correct LDAP synchronisation you need working authentication settings and correct synchronization settings, like this:


And this:


I hope this helps somehow to fix your setup.

What UCS and Rocket.Chat versions are you using?

Best regards,
