Restore Nextcloud App after Servercrash no joining possible


after a Servercrash I want to restore my nextcloud-installation on my new server but it fails when I want to join the nextcloud app. The failure in the log-file is:

RUNNING 50nextcloud.inst
2018-12-01 21:13:59.327806625+01:00 (in joinscript_init)
Object exists: cn=services,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
Object exists: cn=Nextcloud,cn=services,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
WARNING: cannot append Nextcloud to service, value exists
No modification: cn=ucsprod1,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=efk,dc=lan
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/modifyUsersFilter
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/userEnabled
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/userQuota
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/debug
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/cacheTTL
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/homeFolderAttribute
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/userSearchAttributes
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/userDisplayName
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/groupDisplayName
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/base
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/baseUsers
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/baseGroups
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/filterLogin
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/filterUsers
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/filterGroups
Object exists: cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
INFO: No change of core data of object nextcloud.
No modification: cn=nextcloud,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan

Waiting for activation of the extension object nextcloud: OK
Object exists: cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
E: Object exists: cn=nextcloudUserEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
No modification: cn=nextcloudUserEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
E: Object exists: cn=nextcloudUserQuota,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
No modification: cn=nextcloudUserQuota,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
E: Object exists: cn=nextcloudGroupEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
No modification: cn=nextcloudGroupEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=efk,dc=lan
Could not create LDAP Config at Nextcloud
JOINERR:FAILED: /usr/lib/univention-install/50nextcloud.inst

I copied the old nextcloud directory to /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/ and imported the whole nextcloud database. After that the docker image started normaly but I could not join it now. Any ideas what I can do?

That happens when I execute the 50nextcloud.inst manually nextcloudjoin.txt (272.2 KB)


you might use the Nextcloud internal commands (like occ). For this you would have to switch into the Docker container by univention-app shell nextcloud.

Besides of this, if you are removing the app and want to remove all entries you might have a look at this article here.

