Q&A My upgrade to 5 .0 failed what can i do?


I have tried upgrading to 5.0 but I get a error message. What can I do?


Unfortunately there is no general answer to this question but in our release note we have provided a script which checks the most important points, helping to tell you what might cause this errors.

So please download and execute with:

curl -OOf https://updates.software-univention.de/download/univention-update-checks/pre-update-checks-5.0-0{.gpg,}

And verify and run the script:

apt-key verify pre-update-checks-5.0-0{.gpg,} && bash pre-update-checks-5.0-0

If there is any error message please provide the support or the community with this error messages.

Release Note

English Version
German Version

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