How can I change the retention time for backups?
Every day, univention stores automatic backups from ldap and samba in /var/univention-backup
These files can take much filespace, so should be cleaned up from time to time To do this automatically define a retention time via ucr.
The retention time is defined as ucr-variable in days.
For example, the following command changes it to 365 days
root@example:~# ucr set backup/clean/max_age=365
Setting backup/clean/max_age
For information here is the specification of the variable
ucr info backup/clean/max_age
backup/clean/max_age: <empty>
Automatic deletion of backup-files in /var/univention-backup/, of files older than backup/clean/max_age. If unset, no files are deleted. If less than backup/clean/min_backups backup-files exist, no files are deleted.
Categories: service-misc
You can also define
backup/clean/min_backups: <empty>
Automatic deletion of backup-files in /var/univention-backup/: if backup/clean/max_age is set and less than backup/clean/min_backups backup-files exist, no files are deleted. Defaults to 10.
samba4 backups
in /var/univention-backup/samba
The ucr variable does not work for the samba4 backups. These backups are done by cron.
So you can pass the value via ucr variable samba4/backup/cron/options
less /etc/cron.d/univention-samba4-backup
# Warning: This file is auto-generated and might be overwritten by
# univention-config-registry.
# Please edit the following file(s) instead:
# Warnung: Diese Datei wurde automatisch generiert und kann durch
# univention-config-registry ueberschrieben werden.
# Bitte bearbeiten Sie an Stelle dessen die folgende(n) Datei(en):
# /etc/univention/templates/files/etc/cron.d/univention-samba4-backup
0 3 * * * root /usr/sbin/univention-samba4-backup
/usr/sbin/univention-samba4-backup --help
univention-samba4-backup: backups the samba provision directory
univention-samba4-backup [options]
--help|-h display this message
--where|-w <DIR> backup directory
--from-where|-f <DIR> samba provision directory
--days|-d <INT> retention period in days
ucr info samba4/backup/cron/options
samba4/backup/cron/options: <empty>
This variable allows the configuration of options for the univention-samba4-backup started by cron.
Categories: service-samba
ucr set samba4/backup/cron/options='-d 365'