Problem: You want to add an organisation in Ldap with more than 64 characters


ou want to add an organisation in Ldap with more than 64 characters, and then you get the following message:

"E: Invalid Syntax: Organisation: The value must not be longer than 64 characters."


You can use this ucr Variable to increase the syntax for the organisation to string:
ucr set directory/manager/web/modules/users/user/properties/organisation/syntax=string

But the object which hold this organisation, cannot be replicated to samba4 or AD.
You will face this kind of reject.
INVALID_SYNTAX: {'info': "0000200B: objectclass_attrs: attribute 'company' on entry 'CN=susihara,CN=Users,DC=schein,DC=me' contains at least one invalid value!", 'desc': 'Invalid syntax'}

This seems to be limited to 64 characters in AD (Range-Upper)
