Problem with Apache Guacamole after upgrade from 4.4.9 to 5.0.3

We have using guacamole very successfully under 4.x for two years now. I needed to upgrade this server to 5.0.3.

Guacamole remained as an installed application. BUT when I attempt to run it from the portal, instead of a list of configured clients, the program downloads a “calendar.ics” file to my browser. This calendar.ics file contains a bunch of past meeting invites.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I tried restarting the server. Same behavior.

Any thoughts? Thank you!

The ‘fix’ for this:

  1. login to ssh on the server
  2. run as root “univention-remove --purge guacamole”
  3. run as root “univention-app install guacamole”

All LDAP entries for guacamole should be fine. This solved my post-upgrade problem.


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