Problem with 81univention-net-installer

Hello and thank you for looking into it.

We have been running a UCS-4-4 and recently updated to UCS-5-2. Everything is working and its all good but we did recieve the warning.

Not all installed components have been registered. Please visit the Domain join module to register the remaining components.

Only the 81univention-net-installer is marked as pending. The rest are successful.
While we upgraded the UCS recently, after checking the looks we found that this problem existed about a month. One key difference back then was that it was named differently, from ucs-1 to ucs-10.

Here are the logs of it today (name got replaced with gg):

cp: cannot stat ‘’: No such file or directory

univention-run-join-scripts started
Mon 2 Jan 15:05:32 CET 2023

univention-join-hooks: looking for hook type “join/pre-joinscripts” on
Found hooks:

RUNNING 81univention-net-installer.inst
2023-01-02 15:05:33.025942343+01:00 (in joinscript_init)
Object exists:,cn=shares,dc=in,dc=gg,dc=eu
Object exists: cn=ucs-repository,,cn=shares,dc=in,dc=gg,dc=eu
E: object not found

JOINERR:FAILED: /usr/lib/univention-install/81univention-net-installer.inst
univention-join-hooks: looking for hook type “join/post-joinscripts” on
Found hooks:

Mon 2 Jan 15:05:35 CET 2023
univention-run-join-scripts finished

It posts a cp error right before announcing the start but I believe it fails because it can’t find the 3rd object.
Would love to know what you all think.
