Problem: User Creation Fails With "kopanoMrProcess: attribute type undefined"


The attempt to create a user fails in UMC with an error message “LDAP error undefined attribute type: kopanoMrProcess: attribute type undefined”
You might see this error as well during running of join scripts.


Happens only in environments where Kopano app is installed on a non-master server

The root cause is a different schema version of the Kopano apps. even though when Kopano is not running on the master the master need to install and update the Kopano LDAP schema files. If upgrading fails the schema stays on the previous version while the Kopano app itself tries to use the new schema.


Step 1

Allow the master server to access for http (port 80) and https (port 443) and perform an update of all packages and apps.

Step 2

Check if the app “kopano-core” is installed on the master server:

root@master:~# univention-app info

Step 3

If not installed, install the kopano-core app on the master and remove it immediately after. This will update the LDAP schema files for Kopano:

ucs@master:~# univention-app  install kopano-core
ucs@master:~# univention-app remove kopano-core
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