Renaming a user fails with an error:
LDAP Error: Type or value exists: memberUid: value #1091 provided more than once
Verify if you are affected by the issue. You can verify by the following steps (optional).
Step 1
Create a user:
udm users/user create \
--position "cn=schueler,cn=users,ou=unterricht,dc=multi,dc=ucs" \
--set username=renametest --set lastname="ln-renametest" \
--set password="ThisIsAnInsecurePassword"
Step 2
Add the user to the group “students”:
udm users/user modify \
--dn uid=renametest,cn=schueler,cn=users,ou=unterricht,dc=multi,dc=ucs \
--append groups="cn=students,cn=schueler,cn=groups,ou=unterricht,dc=multi,dc=ucs"
Step 3
Verify the user exists and is configured properly:
univention-ldapsearch -LL cn=students memberUid uniqueMember | grep rename
memberUid: renametest
uniqueMember: uid=renametest,cn=schueler,cn=users,ou=unterricht,dc=multi,dc=ucs
Step 4
Now try to rename the user:
udm users/user modify \
--dn="uid=renametest,cn=schueler,cn=users,ou=unterricht,dc=multi,dc=ucs" \
--set username=renametest2
Object modified:
LDAP Error: Type or value exists: memberUid: value #1091 provided more than once
This might be happening because of some inconsistencies in group membership.
Run the tool /usr/share/univention-directory-manager-tools/proof_uniqueMembers
which will fix the inconsistencies and afterwards user rename should work fine.