Problem: OX-Connector no longer sets group-displayName with the description from LDAP


OX-Connector no longer sets group-displayName with the description from LDAP
The cn of the group is set in OX as identifier and displayName. Previously, the displayName was set with the description.

See also Bug 57277


We have a one-liner, which set the description instead of the cn in OX.

ox:~# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/listgroup -A oxadmin -P $(< /etc/ox-secrets/context10.secret) -c 10 --csv | grep -E "\s*[0-9]" | while IFS="," read -a line; do description="$(univention-ldapsearch "(&(cn=${line[1]})(univentionObjectType=groups/group))" -LLL description | awk -F ":" '$1 == "description" {print $2}' | xargs)"; [ -z "$description" ] || ( [ "$description" != "${line[2]}" ] && ( echo "update displayName of group \"${line[1]}\" from \"${line[2]}\" to \"$description\""; /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changegroup -A oxadmin -P $(< /etc/ox-secrets/context10.secret) --groupid "${line[0]}" --displayname "$description" -c 10 ) ) ; done