Office 365 Connector Groups Recreated on sync
UCS Environment with office 365 connector installed with open 57730 – UniventionMicrosoft365GroupType default likely wrong
Set the proper Group Type for the existing groups:
udm groups/group list | awk -F “:” ‘$1 ~ “DN|UniventionMicrosoft365*|UniventionOffice365*”’
univention-ldapsearch -LLL -b “cn=UniventionMicrosoft365GroupType,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,$(ucr get ldap/base)”
Root Cause
The office365 objectClass and UniventionMicrosoft365GroupType are not set for existing groups in the LDAP on installation, causing UDM to return “NONE” as GroupType. The Office 365 Connector recreates the group if the type differs on side of Azure / UCS, and as NONE !== SecurityGroup, it will be recreated on each update.