Problem:LDAP modifications not possible because Domain Admins user dont have the permissions


You want to create or modify an LDAP object and get the following message with any domain admins account.


You have to check, if the cn=domain admins is moved out of cn=groups at first

Also you can check it in the terminal with: (the dn is importan, for example i create the ou=faketest)

univention-ldapsearch cn='Domain Admins'

**dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=faketest,dc=univention-windows,dc=de**
univentionObjectType: groups/group
univentionGroupType: -2147483646
cn: Domain Admins
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-2846578403-2289919452-1137481256-500
sambaGroupType: 2
gidNumber: 5000
memberUid: Administrator
uniqueMember: uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=univention-windows,dc=de
univentionPolicyReference: cn=default-umc-all,cn=UMC,cn=policies,dc=univention-windows,dc=de
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: univentionGroup
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
objectClass: univentionPolicyReference
objectClass: univentionObject
objectClass: top

or check it with:

udm groups/group list --filter cn='Domain Admins'

cn=Domain Admins
DN: cn=Domain Admins,ou=faketest,dc=univention-windows,dc=de
  adGroupType: -2147483646
  description: None
  gidNumber: 5000
  isOxGroup: None
  mailAddress: None
  name: Domain Admins
  oxContext: None
  sambaGroupType: 2
  sambaRID: 500
  univentionObjectIdentifier: None
  univentionSourceIAM: None
  users: uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=univention-windows,dc=de
  univentionPolicyReference: cn=default-umc-all,cn=UMC,cn=policies,dc=univention-windows,dc=de

The position for the Domain Admins are moved to ou=faketest so they don’t have the permissions. They have to be on the correct position for cn=groups, to get the permission back.

With the following command you move the pisition for the cn=Domain Admins and put it back to cn=groups: (you have to put your output from the dn to use the command)

udm groups/group move --dn ‘cn=Domain Admins,ou=faketest,dc=univention-windows,dc=de,dc=local’ –position cn=groups,dc=ad,dc=univention-windows,dc=local

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