Problem:Keycloak - Installation of keycloak failes because - Invalid user credentials


If Keycloak was previously successfully installed on a system in the domain, but then removed, it is possible that the Postgres DB was not carefully cleaned up or removed.
This can lead to the error that when Keycloak is now try to installed on the same or another system, the Postgres DB uses an outdated password and therefore does not have the correct credentials. This will result in an unsuccessful installation of Keycloak and the 50.keycloak.inst script.
Root Cause Bug 57313

You will get this Traceback in the /var/log/univention/join.log

RUNNING 50keycloak.inst
2024-05-21 12:40:56.845491270+02:00 (in joinscript_init)
No module named 'ucs-school-ucr-xxx-xx'
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/keycloak/description/de
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/keycloak/description
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/keycloak/label
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/keycloak/link
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/keycloak/icon
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/keycloak/link-target
Module: ucs-school-ucr-xxx-xx
Module: create_portal_entries
Object modified: cn=keycloak,cn=entry,cn=portals,cn=univention,dc=edu,dc=univention,dc=de
Object exists: cn=ldapacl,cn=univention,dc=edu,dc=univention,dc=de
INFO: No change of core data of object 67keycloak.
No modification: cn=67keycloak,cn=ldapacl,cn=univention,dc=edu,dc=univention,dc=de

Waiting for activation of the extension object 67keycloak: OK
Object exists: cn=services,cn=univention,dc=edu,dc=univention,dc=de
Object created: cn=keycloak DB,cn=services,cn=univention,dc=edu,dc=univention,dc=de
Object modified: cn=xxx,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=edu,dc=univention,dc=de
File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/univention-keycloak.conf
File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/univention-keycloak.conf
Site univention-keycloak already enabled
Warning: The file '/etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf' is not registered as an UCR template.
Warning: The file '/etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf' is not registered as an UCR template.
Adding A record "sso" to zone
21.05.24 12:41:06.797  DEBUG_INIT
21.05.24 12:41:06.800  DEBUG_EXIT
Restarting keycloak ...
^MRestarting keycloak ...  done ^M
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 3101, in <module>
  File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 3097, in main
    return opt.func(opt) or 0
  File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 510, in get_realms
    session = UniventionKeycloakAdmin(opt)                                                                                                                 
  File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 191, in __init__                                                                                             
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 96, in __init__                                                                   
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 1786, in get_token                                                              
    self._token = self.keycloak_openid.token(self.username, self.password, grant_type=grant_type)                                                          
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 201, in token                                                                  
    return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)                                                                                           
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 108, in raise_error_from_response                                                     
keycloak.exceptions.KeycloakAuthenticationError: 401: b'{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid user credentials"}' 

You will receive the same error message if you execute the following keycloak command.

univention-keycloak --binduser "${keycloak_admin_user:-admin}" realms get

Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                        
File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 3101, in <module>                                                                                                           
  File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 3097, in main                                                                                                                
    return opt.func(opt) or 0                                                                                                                                             
  File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 510, in get_realms                                                                                                           
    session = UniventionKeycloakAdmin(opt)                                                                                                                                
  File "/usr/sbin/univention-keycloak", line 191, in __init__                                                                                                             
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 96, in __init__                                                                                  
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 1786, in get_token                                                                               
    self._token = self.keycloak_openid.token(self.username, self.password, grant_type=grant_type)                                                                         
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 201, in token                                                                                   
    return raise_error_from_response(data_raw, KeycloakGetError)                                                                                                          
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keycloak/", line 108, in raise_error_from_response                                                                    
keycloak.exceptions.KeycloakAuthenticationError: 401: b'{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid user credentials"}'


As this was a new installation in our case and therefore no data loss would occur, we removed the keycloak installation including postgres db.

  1. univention-app remove keycloak

  2. rm /etc/keycloak.secret*

  3. su postgres

  4. dropdb keycloak

Now it is possible for you to perform the Keycloak installation again and the Postgres DB is renwe and receives the current correct password and Keycloak can access the Postgres DB.

  1. univention-app install keycloak

  2. univention-keycloak --binduser "${keycloak_admin_user:-admin}" realms get

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