Problem:Join script 93univention-ox.inst failure with - Couldn't find user with uid


After installing or updating the ox-connector, the join-script for 93univention-ox.inst doesn’t run successfully. You will probably find the following problem in /var/log/univention/join.log.

Converting OX fetchmail configurations to UCS fetchmail...
Couldn't find user with uid [b'2231']. Leaving old entry cn=fetchmail max.mustermann,cn=fetchmail,cn=mail,dc=intranet,dc=univention,dc=de
Couldn't find user with uid [b'2352']. Leaving old entry cn=fetchmail sam.samson,cn=fetchmail,cn=mail,dc=intranet,dc=univention,dc=de

As a result, newly created OX users cannot log in because the join script for ox did not run successfully, and ox modules are not correctly configured.


To solve this issue you have to delete the old fetchmail objects and run the join-script for ox.

  1. For example to delete object cn=fetchmail max.mustermann.
ldapdelete -x -D "cn=admin,$(ucr get ldap/base)" -w "$(</etc/ldap.secret)" "cn=fetchmail max.mustermann,cn=fetchmail,cn=mail,$(ucr get ldap/base)"
  1. For example to delete object cn=fetchmail sam.samson.
ldapdelete -x -D "cn=admin,$(ucr get ldap/base)" -w "$(</etc/ldap.secret)" "cn=fetchmail sam.samson,cn=fetchmail,cn=mail,$(ucr get ldap/base)"
  1. Just run the 93univention-ox.ins script.
univention-run-join-scripts --run-scripts 93univention-ox.ins