Problem: External DNS configuration is overwritten during server rejoin


External DNS configuration is overwritten during server rejoin
In a UCS environment the NS records of the zones are created automatically, depending on which UCS systems provide the ‘nameservices’ service.
If you configured a list of nameservers to be used (because of external DNS configuration), during rejoin of an UCS server the ns-record is added again.


We have two ucr variables to prevent that:

ucr info dns/nameserver/registration/forward_zone
dns/nameserver/registration/forward_zone: <empty>
 If this option is activated or the variable is unset, an automatic registration as additional authoritative nameserver for the locally used DNS forward zone is performed.
 Categories: service-bind

 ucr info dns/nameserver/registration/reverse_zone
dns/nameserver/registration/reverse_zone: <empty>
 If this option is activated or the variable is unset, an automatic registration as additional authoritative nameserver for the locally used DNS reverse zone is performed.
 Categories: service-bind