„No usable or suitable filestore found"
„11.05.22 13:20:04.699 LISTENER ( PROCESS ) : ox-user: transaction 1652261345.0139119625 deferred: dn: uid=tina.turn,cn=schueler,cn=users,ou=sun,dc=schein,dc=me "['/opt/open-xchange/sbin/createuser', '--adminuser=oxadmin-context20', '
--contextid=20', '--username=tina.turn', '', '', '', '', '--smtpserver=localhost', '--mailenabled=true', '--access-tas
ks=on', '--access-olox20=on', '--access-webdav=on', '--access-delegate-tasks=on', '--access-webmail=on', '--access-active-sync=on', '--access-ical=on', '--access-multiple-mail-accounts=on', '--access-calendar=on', '--access-vcard=on', '--access-s
ubscription=on', '--access-contacts=on', '--access-usm=on', '--access-edit-public-folder=on', '--access-read-create-shared-Folders=on', '--access-publication=on', '--access-webdav-xml=on', '--access-collect-email-addresses=on', '--access-infostor
e=off', '--access-syncml=off', '--access-edit-password=off', '--access-edit-resource=off', '--access-denied-portal=off', '--access-edit-group=off', '--access-global-address-book-disabled=off', '--access-syncml=off', '--access-edit-resource=off',
'--department=sun', '--givenname=Turner', '--surname=Tina', '', '--quota=512', '--gui_spam_filter_capabilities_enabled=true', '', '--language=de_DE', '-
-timezone=Europe/Berlin']" returned 106: user in context 20 could not be created:
Server response:
No usable or suitable filestore found; exceptionId -217070457-17902
/opt/open-xchange/sbin/listfilestore -A oxadminmaster -P $(< /etc/ox-secrets/master.secret)
id path size reserved used max-entities cur-entities
4 file:///var/oxfilestore 2048 2300 217 5000 12
Hint: A suitable filestore has it’s max. entity count not exhausted and it’s “reserved” size plus the average size for a user (see property AVERAGE_USER_SIZE) is not greater than its configured max. size.
You can adjust the filestoresize (you should make sure, that the maximum size fits onto the disk and/or monitor the disk usage very closely to not run into full disk problems):
/opt/open-xchange/sbin/changefilestore -A oxadminmaster -P $(< /etc/ox-secrets/master.secret) -i 4 -s 10000
Hier einmal die Hilfe zur Erklärung:
root@ox-mail:~# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changefilestore -A oxadminmaster -P $(< /etc/ox-secrets/master.secret) --help
Usage: changefilestore
-h,--help Prints a help text
--environment Show info about commandline environment
--nonl Remove all newlines (\n) from output
--responsetimeout <responsetimeout> response timeout in seconds for reading response from the backend (default 0s; infinite)
-A,--adminuser <adminuser> ? Admin username
-P,--adminpass <adminpass> ? Admin password
-i,--id <id> * The id of the filestore which should be changed
-t,--storepath <storepath> Path to store filestore contents in URI format e.g. file:/tmp/filestore
-s,--storesize <storesize> The maximum size of the filestore in MB
-x,--maxcontexts <maxcontexts> The maximum number of contexts
Entries marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Entries marked with an question mark (?) are mandatory depending on your
Entries marked with a pipe (|) are mandatory for one another which means that
at least one of them must be set.