Check database: ...WARNING.
WARNING: There are 19 stale locks in LDAP backend Berkeley DB (version 5.1.29).
WARNING: If slapd does not respond, manual LDAP dump/restore may be necessary.
Continuing BDB database check: ...done.
Starting ldap server(s): slapd ...done.
Checking Schema ID: ...done.
To dump and restore the database, you can do the folllowing:
/etc/init.d/slapd stop
slapcat >ldif
mkdir /var/lib/univention-ldap/ldap.BACKUP
mv /var/lib/univention-ldap/ldap/* /var/lib/univention-ldap/ldap.BACKUP
ucr commit /var/lib/univention-ldap/ldap/DB_CONFIG
slapadd <ldif or slapadd -l ldif
Note: If you still use BDB the ucr commit /var/lib/univention-ldap/ldap/DB_CONFIG
command is absolutely necessary. With MDB it is not.