Problem: Changing ucs-sso login from master.schein.sun to portal.schein.sun


How can I make the registration at the UMC for SSO available on an alternate name. E.g
changing ucs-sso login on the UMC from master.schein.sun to portal.schein.sun
This was tested for a singlemaster environment


Assuming that a certificate for portal.schein.sun already exists…
This way:
(Can also be the alternate name in the UCS certificate)

… and this is stored under /etc/univention/ssl/portal.schein.sun, these two further steps still necessary
Or this way:

Or your own way.

Step 1

You need to set the ucr variable umc/saml/sp-server:

ucr set umc/saml/sp-server=portal.schein.sun

Step 2

and re-execute the following joinskript:

univention-run-join-scripts --force --run-scripts 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst

Also interesting:
