Problem: AppleSchoolManager App Maps Attributes Wrong


The Apple School Manager app maps attributes incorrectly.
The “firstname” contains the username while the “lastname” attribute is empty.


The ucr- variables looks similar to the following:
Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-12-11 15-07-12


Option 1

Disable anonymization.

ucr set asm/attributes/staff/anonymize=no
ucr set asm/attributes/student/anonymize=no

Thus, local usernames will be used for ASM.

Option 2

Keep anonymization but choose a different mapping.
Currently it is set to %uid:


You might use any attribute from univention-ldapsearch.

Sofern Sie die Anonymisierungsoptionen nicht benötigen, deaktivieren Sie diese am besten so:

ucr set asm/attributes/staff/anonymize=no
ucr set asm/attributes/student/anonymize=no
asm mappt falsch, firstname ist Benutzername, lastname ist leer.