Problem: Apple School Manager (ASM) throws (cosmetic) error


Apple School Manager (ASM) throws (cosmetic) error at the end of upload.

Environment (optional)

Apple School Manager (ASM)


At the end of the file upload we check the file by executing a stat on the file. Apple seems to move this file very fast so the stat fails.
We track this problem in Bug 54553.

Actual you can fix the problem by editing


Change this:

def upload(self, filename, remote_folder='/'):
                remote_filename = os.path.join(remote_folder, '')
                self.sftpClient.put(filename, remote_filename)

to this:

def upload(self, filename, remote_folder='/'):
                remote_filename = os.path.join(remote_folder, '')
                ### patch Bug54553
                #self.sftpClient.put(filename, remote_filename)
                apple_supports_stat_call = False
                self.sftpClient.put(filename, remote_filename, confirm=apple_supports_stat_call)

Watch the bug comments if the correction is published and the manual change is not necessary anymore.

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