Problem: Accessing self-service/profile path as logged in user shows an error


If you are already logged in via saml and go to the https://<FQDN>/univention/portal/#/selfservice/profile path to change your profile, you will get an error

An error occurred

2 error(s) occurred

After that you get the profile login window.

If you come from a version earlier than UCS4.4-7 you may be hit by this issue.


You have to set the ucr Varaible umc/self-service/allow-authenticated-use to true

~ # ucr search umc/self-service/allow-authenticated-use
umc/self-service/allow-authenticated-use: true
 Activates that no new password submission is required, to use the self service "Your profile" module (default value: true).

~ # ucr set umc/self-service/allow-authenticated-use='true'

Bug 56418
