Problem:98univention-samba4slavepdc-dns.inst fails - Record already exists


If the join script 98univention-samba4slavepdc-dns.inst fails and you read the following in /var/log/univention/join.log. Possible manual changes to resolv.conf can lead to this error.

ERROR(runtime): Record already exists; record could not be added. zone[] name[@] [WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS] - (9711, 'WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS')
ERROR(runtime): Record already exists; record could not be added. zone[] name[@] [WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS] - (9711, 'WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS')
ERROR(runtime): Record already exists; record could not be added. zone[] name[@] [WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS] - (9711, 'WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS')
ERROR(runtime): Record already exists; record could not be added. zone[] name[_ldap._tcp] [WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS] - (9711, 'WERR_DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS')

Root Cause

Bug 56993


Set the resolv.conf back to the default values via commit and force the re-join for the script.

  1. ucr commit /etc/resolv.conf

  2. univention-run-join-scripts --run-scripts 98univention-samba4slavepdc-dns.inst --force

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