Printing and latest Windows Update KB5006670 "Network Name is no longer available"

There is a problem with the latest Windows Update KB5006670.
Since the update all the win10 clients cant print. There is an 0x000000x40 Error with the network name is no longer available…

This should affect some more people if they are using samba printing. This registry hack:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\PointAndPrint" /v RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

did not work for me. When installing a printer I get a 0x0000709 error. Printing on existing samba printers does not work anymore (no error message).

Anybody willing to share insights on this ?

Thanks - Martin

I’ve fixed unistalling KB5006670 by “wusa /uninstall /kb:5006670”

I uninstalled KB5006670 via the “Uninstall Windows Updates …” - after a few days KB5006670 was reinstalled … no printing again

The KB5006670 can be prevented from automatic reinstallation with the MS tool called WUShowHide.diagcab. It is a bit hard to find as it disappeared from MS for some reason not very long ago. I have it and happy to share it, if you are not able to find it. Youd need to uninstall KB5006670 again, reboot the PC and then run this tool. In it, you should be able to hide KB5006670 from available updates. I used it on a number of Win10 machines a couple of weeks ago.


Thanks for the feedback. @Daniel_Duchon also wrote a short article about that.
You can also check this Article with 4 Tipps to resolve the issue.

Unfortunately none of these tips solves the problem since it comes up again with KB5007186. I can neither use printmanagement.msc to setup the printer drivers nor connect to any of the printer queues (by point and click) if Windows 10 is patched like this. I would just like to know what to do next: forget the linux printer queues or wait for a UCS update. Any ideas ? Or am I the only person who has this problems ?

May be - this will help. See #209 by Mike Pisano. I needed to fix the batch file by changing “builtin\administrators:F” to “Administratoren:F”. Good luck.
