Package creation

I am packaging my application for Univention. I did ma rpms, and debs for debian (all stable) and ubuntu (all LTS).
1 /For dpkg based distribution i am using db-config to do the setup.
My original setup ask me few informations about my db setting trough dbconfig.
To be able that have a beautiful Univention package installable trough the web interrface AppCenter i need to have my dbconfig tu run directy
without any user interaction. I did lot of search but i don’t find the right way to do it correctly.

2/ I did not understand how and where do i put and configure my icon ans description files to appear on the App center - App management without any search in the “Extended software” management.


thank you for your interest in packaging for the Univention App Center!

Yes, the package needs to be installed unattended. This can be “simulated” by doing:

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get -y --force-yes -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install my_package

This is more or less what the App Center will do. Have you tried specifying defaults for dbconfig and then just run this command? … s-defaults

2/ I did not understand how and where do i put and configure my icon ans description files to appear on the App center - App management without any search in the “Extended software” management.[/quote]

You need to provide an .ini file, a .png logo, and maybe a screenshot and some README files. These files are not part of any package, but meta information that you need to send separately to Univention. We will take care of putting it in the right place so that users can “access” those files prior to installing the application.

See … app:upload for the uploading process.

Kind regards,
Dirk Wiesenthal
