OX Open-Xchange Calendar Resources and Mail Filter Rules

I just installed OX App Suite and I started some tests in order to understand if it could be the right application.

Mail, Calendar, Address Books and Tasks worked as expected, but I missed two important functions:

  1. In Calendar I need to add shared resources like meeting rooms and projectors, but I didn’t find a way. How can I add calendar resources?

  2. In Mail configuration under Filter Rules I have an error message: " Unable to load e-mail filter rules settings. Retry" Is there something to configure before? Where?

I need help to configure these two things, I didn’t find any informations about that. Can someone show me the way? Thanks!

  • OX resources are created in the Univention management console (UMC).
  • The OX email filter system requires network access to the Dovecot managesieve server on the mail server (TCP, port 4190). Please check that it can connect to it. Firewall or SSL certificate could be problems. Check the OX log (/var/log/open-xchange/open-xchange.log.0).

Daniel Tröder

@troeder Thanks for your reply!

I found OX resources on UMC of master domain (that’s why I didn’t find it!)

From OX log:
Caused by: com.openexchange.jsieve.export.exceptions.OXSieveHandlerException: Currently active script “default” is not the expected one “Open-Xchange”

Could be this my problem? Where can I change default script?

If I create a new user with Open-Xchange template I can use Mail Filter Rules, no errors.

If I enable Open-Xchange App for existing users I can’t use Mail Filter Rules and I have this error message in logs:

Caused by: com.openexchange.jsieve.export.exceptions.OXSieveHandlerException: Currently active script “default” is not the expected one “Open-Xchange”

The sieve scripts are stored by Dovecot in /var/spool/dovecot/private/<domain>/<local>/sieve/.
The default sieve script is a symlink .dovecot.sieve one directory level up.
Create a fresh user, log into OX, and after editing the filters it should look like this:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 dovemail dovemail 24 Sep 19  2017 /var/spool/dovecot/private/univention.de/troeder/.dovecot.sieve -> sieve/Open-Xchange.sieve
-rw------- 1 dovemail dovemail 65 Sep 19  2017 /var/spool/dovecot/private/univention.de/troeder/sieve/Open-Xchange.sieve

Daniel Tröder

Yes @troeder it’s exactly as you said. For new users no problems, but for existing users I have a different situation:

/var/spool/dovecot/private/DOMAIN/EXISTINGUSER/.dovecot.sieve -> sieve/default.sieve

Is it possible to modify the symlink and create manually the Open-Xchange.sieve file for all existing users?

You can do it on the command line (use cp -a) or with a sieve client (sieve-connect is installed).

If you have a good Open-Xchange.sieve file (from NEWUSER@DOMAIN) that you want to copy to everyone, IMHO the command line is simplest. It should be something like (untested, check before copy&paste!):

for DIR in /var/spool/dovecot/private/*/*/sieve/; do cp -a /var/spool/dovecot/private/DOMAIN/NEWUSER/sieve/Open-Xchange.sieve "$DIR"; done
for DIR in /var/spool/dovecot/private/*/*/; do cp -a /var/spool/dovecot/private/DOMAIN/NEWUSER/.dovecot.sieve "$DIR"; done

Daniel Tröder

That’s what I did. Thank a lot! It works!
