OX App Suite Update Schedule?

Hi, guys!

Since I am new here I’ve searched a lot for my question though with no luck, so I would ask please.

I am interested how often does UCS updates apps in App Center, and namely OX App Suite?
The reason of question is that we have a very annoying bug that was fixed in Patch Release 6046 (2021-11-09) which was several months ago and it seems still on its way to UCS App Center.

Would you please clarify when it’s worth to wait an update?

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Such a tough question? Nobody knows?

Please update OX App Suite to latest 7.10.5 or 7.10.6

I just noticed this: Bug 55178 – Release OX App Suite 7.10.6, OX Documents 7.10.6 and OX Guard 2.10.6
