ownCloud: Update 10.0.10 to 10.3.2-1 corrupt my system

Yesterday I want to upgrade to the newest Version of ownCloud on my UCS 4.4 Server.

For the update all is running fine.

During the Update a message came up: “Setup is unsuccessfull - please check the app.log”

 21750 actions.configure                20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Configuring 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Unsetting OWNCLOUD_MARKETPLACE_APIKEY
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Setting OWNCLOUD_DOMAIN to 'localhost'
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Setting OWNCLOUD_SUB_URL to '/owncloud'
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Setting OWNCLOUD_UPDATE_CHECKER to 'false'
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Setting OWNCLOUD_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE to 'en'
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Setting OWNCLOUD_LOST_PASSWORD_LINK to 'true'
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Unsetting OWNCLOUD_LICENSE_KEY
 21750 settings                         20-05-18 22:20:00 [    INFO]: Setting OWNCLOUD_LOG_LEVEL to '3'
 21750 docker.configure.container.4c0c  20-05-18 22:20:00 [   DEBUG]: Using container.4c0c for container 4c0c30c513050380da85a14149073f611cf03e6eb111133228c7b864dc2fb62f
 21750 docker.configure.container.4c0c  20-05-18 22:20:00 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 4c0c30c513050380da85a14149073f611cf03e6eb111133228c7b864dc2fb62f which ucr
 21750 actions.configure                20-05-18 22:20:02 [ WARNING]: ucr cannot be found, falling back to changing the database file directly
 21750 actions.configure.progress       20-05-18 22:20:02 [   DEBUG]: 100
 21750 actions.upgrade.progress         20-05-18 22:20:02 [   DEBUG]: 50
 21750 actions.upgrade                  20-05-18 22:20:02 [    INFO]: Executing interface restore_data_before_setup for owncloud
 21750 actions.upgrade                  20-05-18 22:20:02 [    INFO]: No interface defined
 21750 actions.upgrade                  20-05-18 22:20:02 [    INFO]: Executing interface setup for owncloud
 21750 actions.upgrade                  20-05-18 22:20:03 [    INFO]: Copying App Center's setup to container's /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup_custom
 21750 actions.upgrade.container.4c0c   20-05-18 22:20:03 [   DEBUG]: Using container.4c0c for container 4c0c30c513050380da85a14149073f611cf03e6eb111133228c7b864dc2fb62f
 21750 actions.upgrade.container.4c0c   20-05-18 22:20:03 [   DEBUG]: Calling docker exec -u root 4c0c30c513050380da85a14149073f611cf03e6eb111133228c7b864dc2fb62f /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/set$
 21750 actions.upgrade.container.4c0c   20-05-18 22:20:28 [    INFO]: [02.DOCKER_SETUP] Enable user_ldap app
 21750 actions.upgrade.container.4c0c   20-05-18 22:20:38 [    INFO]: .
 21750 actions.upgrade.container.4c0c   20-05-18 22:20:38 [    INFO]: [02.DOCKER_SETUP] user_ldap enabled successfully! after 1 tries
 21750 actions.upgrade.container.4c0c   20-05-18 22:20:38 [    INFO]: [02.DOCKER_SETUP] Waiting for LDAP app testing...
 21750 actions.upgrade.container.4c0c   20-05-18 22:20:43 [    INFO]: ...
 21750 packages                         20-05-18 22:20:43 [   DEBUG]: Releasing LOCK
 21750 actions.upgrade                  20-05-18 22:20:43 [CRITICAL]: Setup script failed!
 21750 actions.upgrade                  20-05-18 22:20:43 [ WARNING]: Aborting...
 21750 utils                            20-05-18 22:20:43 [   DEBUG]: send_information: action=upgrade app=owncloud value={'code': 137, 'stderr': ['[02.DOCKER_SETUP] Enable user_ldap app', '.', '[02.DOCKER_SETU$
 21750 utils                            20-05-18 22:20:43 [   DEBUG]: tracking information: {'status': 416, 'uuid': '7578ab49-c8c6-4a13-84b8-6a94161b3d86', 'app': u'owncloud', 'value': {'code': 137, 'stderr': [$
 21750 actions.upgrade-search           20-05-18 22:20:44 [   DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
 21750 actions.upgrade-search.progress  20-05-18 22:20:44 [   DEBUG]: 0
 21750 actions.upgrade-search           20-05-18 22:20:44 [   DEBUG]: Checking 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1
 21750 actions.upgrade-search           20-05-18 22:20:44 [    INFO]: Executing interface update_available for owncloud
 21750 actions.upgrade-search           20-05-18 22:20:44 [    INFO]: No interface defined
 21750 actions.upgrade-search.progress  20-05-18 22:20:44 [   DEBUG]: 100
 21750 actions.upgrade.progress         20-05-18 22:20:44 [   DEBUG]: 100

After that the ownCloud-Instance is brocken.

What is the problem - How can I solve it?