Owncloud not working after 4.3


i have two systems with owncloud not working after 4.3
The third system I updated it to or similar before.
How can I upgrade to the lates if its not up and running?



I’m not an Owncloud user, but there’s a rather long thread about update woes over here. It’s in German, but maybe you do speak German and can make some use of the information in it. My conclusion from that thread is that the update process is rather brittle and prone to break. There doesn’t seem to be a real, robust solution.

Kind regards

The other thread @Moritz_Bunkus mentioned is about an ‘unknown database’ error after an App update. Was there a similar error, or in what way did owncloud not work after the UCS 4.3 update?

it says:
no idea!

Not Found

The requested URL /owncloud/ was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.25 (Univention) Server at xxx Port 443

Is the app correctly registered in UCS? What does univention-app info print?

UCS: 4.3-1 errata145
Installed: adconnector=12.0 kopano-core= kopano-webapp= samba-memberserver=4.7 z-push-kopano=2.4.2

i forgot to upgrade before release update twice:(
and now?

If there is still a docker container using an owncloud image, it could be enough to simple re-register the app with univention-app register owncloud. If it then shows up in the univention-app info output, at least the apache2 config has to be rewritten with ucr commit /etc/apache2/sites-available/* followed by an apache2 restart.

its simply gone and i cant reinstall
did not help:(

There is no docker container with an owncloud image? What is the output of docker ps -a
I can not think of a way the complete app would be uninstalled during a UCS update. Why is there no possibility to reinstall the app? What is the error when you try to install owncloud?

just tried tu reinstall
for a while it said its on maintenance

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS                                           NAMES
1b6a00f8e522        docker.software-univention.de/owncloud_server:10.0.1   "/usr/local/bin/en..."   9 months ago        Exited (255) 27 hours ago>80/tcp,>443/tcp   reverent_williams
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
univention-mysql wurde bereits auf manuell installiert gesetzt.
Creating database for 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604
Password for owncloud database in /etc/owncloud.secret
Registering schema /usr/share/univention-appcenter/apps/owncloud/owncloud.schema
authentication error: Authentication failed

ERROR: Failed to create settings/ldapschema object.
Registration of schema extension failed (Code: 1)
Going to remove ownCloud (10.0.8-20180604)
No hostdn for owncloud found. Nothing to remove
Configuring 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604
Removing localhost from LDAP object
File: /etc/univention/service.info/services/univention-appcenter.cfg
Module: create_portal_entries
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
Module: kopano-cfg
File: /usr/share/univention-portal/apps.json
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.2/owncloud_20180604140115.uinst
univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
copyright (c) 2001-2018 Univention GmbH, Germany

and it says 4.2? i am at 4.3.1

univention-app upgrade owncloud

owncloud is not supported
Could not start the app container. It needs to be running to be upgraded!
owncloud is not supported

root@ucs:~# univention-app restart owncloud
owncloud is not supported

This error indicates that the Administrator password was entered wrong. Please retry the App installation with univention-app install owncloud.

I asked around internally, the easiest way would be to actually go ahead and re install the owncloud app. As always, a server backup is helpful. The old docker container can be removed.

Maybe the UCS updater.log has information why the owncloud app was unregistered during the update. If you want, you can send it to feedback@univention.de so we can have a look and try to figure out what went wrong. But that is separate from the issue we are trying to fix in this thread.

Last login: Wed Jul 11 17:07:20 on ttys000
Christians-MacBook-Pro-79:~ christianzengel$ ssh root@
Univention DC Master 4.3-1:

The UCS management system is available at https://ucs.atcgmbh.local/ (

You can log into the Univention Management Console - the principal tool to manage 
users, groups, etc. - using the "Administrator" account and the password selected 
for the root user on the master domain controller.

Last login: Wed Jul 11 16:28:52 2018 from
root@ucs:~# univention-app install owncloud
Going to install ownCloud (10.0.8-20180604)
Password for Administrator: 
[01.PRE_INST] folder declaration
[01.PRE_INST] folder creation
[01.PRE_INST] enable logging
[01.PRE_INST] Test for broken ownCloud installation and fix it to enable updating
[01.PRE_INST] read environment variables
[01.PRE_INST] look for binddn and bindpwdfile
[01.PRE_INST] Check if owncloud 9 was installed previously
[01.PRE_INST] Base configuration for ownCloud
[01.PRE_INST] getting ldap password
Not updating owncloud/user/enabled
Not updating owncloud/group/enabled
Not updating owncloud/ldap/base
Not updating owncloud/ldap/loginFilter
Not updating owncloud/ldap/userFilter
Not updating owncloud/ldap/groupFilter
Not updating owncloud/ldap/internalNameAttribute
Not updating owncloud/ldap/userUuid
Not updating owncloud/ldap/groupUuid
Not updating owncloud/ldap/emailAttribute
Not updating owncloud/ldap/memberAssoc
Not updating owncloud/ldap/user/quotaAttribute
Not updating owncloud/ldap/base/users
Not updating owncloud/ldap/base/groups
Not updating owncloud/ldap/search/users
Not updating owncloud/ldap/search/groups
Setting owncloud_ldap_agentpassword
Module: kopano-cfg
[01.PRE_INST] Check if this is a migration from 9.1
[01.PRE_INST] no previous installation found
[01.PRE_INST] Updating Icon Image for ownCloud docs
Setting ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/owncloud-admindoc/icon
Module: create_portal_entries
Module: kopano-cfg
Setting ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/owncloud-userdoc/icon
Module: create_portal_entries
Module: kopano-cfg
   ownCloud 10.0

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
   option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public
   License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
   along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Do you agree [y/N]? y
Creating data directories for owncloud...
Copying /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.2/owncloud_20180604140115.schema
Registering UCR for owncloud
Marking 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604 as installed
Module: kopano-cfg
File: /etc/univention/service.info/services/univention-appcenter.cfg
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
File: /usr/share/univention-portal/apps.json
Setting ports for apache proxy
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
Module: kopano-cfg
Creating /etc/init.d/docker-app-owncloud
Adding localhost to LDAP object
Setting overview variables
Module: create_portal_entries
Module: kopano-cfg
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
univention-mysql wurde bereits auf manuell installiert gesetzt.
Creating database for 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604
Password for owncloud database in /etc/owncloud.secret
Registering schema /usr/share/univention-appcenter/apps/owncloud/owncloud.schema
INFO: No change of core data of object owncloud.
No modification: cn=owncloud,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=atcgmbh,dc=local

WARNING: cannot append owncloud to appidentifier, value exists
No modification: cn=owncloud,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=atcgmbh,dc=local

Waiting for activation of the extension object owncloud: OK
Registering the container host owncl-17600341 for owncloud
Module: kopano-cfg
Verifying Docker registry manifest for app image docker.software-univention.de/owncloud_appliance:10.0.8
Downloading app image docker.software-univention.de/owncloud_appliance:10.0.8
Flag --email has been deprecated, will be removed in 1.14.
Login Succeeded
10.0.8: Pulling from owncloud_appliance
4f1bb8b65720: Already exists 
4791a9f80860: Already exists 
c7bccbb1d183: Already exists 
94925a7a8f89: Already exists 
1a776d5f8f21: Already exists 
08529cc644eb: Already exists 
ce02c8afe125: Already exists 
b71106594545: Already exists 
ade9d8825414: Already exists 
bdfb892f30a0: Already exists 
fc9991e459b6: Already exists 
e8f8e90154cc: Already exists 
760ed2a880f3: Already exists 
cbbfde7eae0a: Already exists 
Digest: sha256:345782b1dc8b4b50668350cff71b521a969eb7e43904f4daeee6907c0d94b872
Status: Image is up to date for docker.software-univention.de/owncloud_appliance:10.0.8
Initializing app image
Module: kopano-cfg
Preconfiguring container c6fdbcdc72e9ff1e01f77f8e6bcba32ef8298cc1d6340c70049076d8fa294105
Starting docker-app-owncloud (via systemctl): docker-app-owncloud.service.
Calling ['journalctl', '-n', '20', '-o', 'short', '/usr/bin/dockerd']
-- Logs begin at Wed 2018-05-09 15:00:03 CEST, end at Wed 2018-07-11 17:09:28 CEST. --
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234180149+02:00" level=info msg="Graph migration to content-addressability took 0.00 seconds"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234744480+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support swap memory limit"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237847146+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt period"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237936657+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt runtime"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.240866855+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.422398869+02:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.463440169+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.568835005+02:00" level=warning msg="failed to retrieve docker-init version: unknown output format: tini version 0.13.0\n"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570009695+02:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570075427+02:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=092cba3 graphdriver=overlay version=1.13.1
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.587032768+02:00" level=info msg="API listen on /var/run/docker.sock"
Calling ['docker', 'logs', 'c6fdbcdc72e9ff1e01f77f8e6bcba32ef8298cc1d6340c70049076d8fa294105']
Creating volume folders...
Creating hook folders...
Waiting for MySQL...
wait-for-it: waiting 180 seconds for
wait-for-it: is available after 0 seconds
Removing custom folder...
Linking custom folder...
Removing config folder...
Linking config folder...
Copying db file...
Fixing hook perms...
Fixing base perms...
Fixing data perms...
Fixing config perms...
Fixing file perms...
Fixing cert perms...
Fixing app perms...
Going to remove ownCloud (10.0.8-20180604)
Module: kopano-cfg
Configuring 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604
Stopping docker-app-owncloud (via systemctl): docker-app-owncloud.service.
Removing localhost from LDAP object
Module: kopano-cfg
File: /etc/univention/service.info/services/univention-appcenter.cfg
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
Module: create_portal_entries
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
File: /usr/share/univention-portal/apps.json
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.2/owncloud_20180604140115.uinst
univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
copyright (c) 2001-2018 Univention GmbH, Germany

Running 00kopano4ucs-safemode-on.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 02univention-directory-notifier.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 03univention-directory-listener.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 04univention-ldap-client.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 05univention-bind.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 08univention-apache.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 10univention-ldap-server.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 11univention-heimdal-init.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 11univention-pam.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 15univention-directory-notifier-post.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 15univention-heimdal-kdc.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 18python-univention-directory-manager.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 20univention-directory-policy.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 20univention-join.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 26univention-nagios-common.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 26univention-samba.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 30univention-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 30univention-nagios-client.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 31univention-nagios-ad-connector.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 33univention-portal.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 34univention-management-console-server.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-appcenter-docker.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-adconnector.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-diagnostic.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-ipchange.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-join.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-lib.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-mrtg.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-quota.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-reboot.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-services.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-setup.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-sysinfo.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-top.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-ucr.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-management-console-module-updater.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 35univention-server-overview.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 36univention-management-console-module-apps.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 40univention-postgresql.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 40univention-virtual-machine-manager-schema.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 50nextcloud.inst failed (exitcode: 51)
Running 70kopano4ucs-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 70kopano4ucs.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 71kopano4ucs-webapp.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 81univention-ad-connector.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 81univention-nfs-server.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 90univention-bind-post.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 91univention-saml.inst failed (exitcode: 3)
Running 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 98univention-pkgdb-tools.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 99kopano4ucs-safemode-off.inst skipped (already executed)
Running 51owncloud-uninstall.uinst done
   Um sicherzustellen, dass sie keinerlei Daten verlieren wurde ein Backup
   erstellt. Falls sie auf Probleme stoßen können sie es jederzeit
   wiederherstellen. Das Backup befindet sich unter
Press [ENTER] to continue

The container for 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604 could not be started!

docker logs c6fdbcdc72e9ff1e01f77f8e6bcba32ef8298cc1d6340c70049076d8fa294105:

Creating volume folders...
Creating hook folders...
Waiting for MySQL...
wait-for-it: waiting 180 seconds for
wait-for-it: is available after 0 seconds
Removing custom folder...
Linking custom folder...
Removing config folder...
Linking config folder...
Copying db file...
Fixing hook perms...
Fixing base perms...
Fixing data perms...
Fixing config perms...
Fixing file perms...
Fixing cert perms...
Fixing app perms...

dockerd logs:

-- Logs begin at Wed 2018-05-09 15:00:03 CEST, end at Wed 2018-07-11 17:09:28 CEST. --
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234180149+02:00" level=info msg="Graph migration to content-addressability took 0.00 seconds"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234744480+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support swap memory limit"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237847146+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt period"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237936657+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt runtime"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.240866855+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.422398869+02:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.463440169+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.568835005+02:00" level=warning msg="failed to retrieve docker-init version: unknown output format: tini version 0.13.0\n"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570009695+02:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570075427+02:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=092cba3 graphdriver=overlay version=1.13.1
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.587032768+02:00" level=info msg="API listen on /var/run/docker.sock"

docker inspect:

{u'Status': u'exited', u'Pid': 0, u'OOMKilled': False, u'Dead': False, u'Paused': False, u'Running': False, u'FinishedAt': u'2018-07-11T15:09:28.302283256Z', u'Restarting': False, u'Error': u'', u'StartedAt': u'2018-07-11T15:09:25.101719191Z', u'ExitCode': 1}
{u'Data': {u'MergedDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/merged', u'WorkDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/work', u'LowerDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/27c79f1f81d649686df156ee6aabe416bf484af2f63458cf0d69103bcb7c91f5/root', u'UpperDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/upper'}, u'Name': u'overlay'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/__init__.py", line 226, in call_with_namespace
    result = self.main(namespace)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/install.py", line 73, in main
    return self.do_it(args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/install_base.py", line 107, in do_it
    self._do_it(app, args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/docker_install.py", line 63, in _do_it
    ret = super(Install, self)._do_it(app, args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/install.py", line 90, in _do_it
    if self._install_app(app, args):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/docker_install.py", line 57, in _install_app
    self._start_docker_image(app, hostdn, password, args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/docker_base.py", line 249, in _start_docker_image
    raise AppCenterErrorContainerStart(msg)
The container for 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604 could not be started!

docker logs c6fdbcdc72e9ff1e01f77f8e6bcba32ef8298cc1d6340c70049076d8fa294105:

Creating volume folders...
Creating hook folders...
Waiting for MySQL...
wait-for-it: waiting 180 seconds for
wait-for-it: is available after 0 seconds
Removing custom folder...
Linking custom folder...
Removing config folder...
Linking config folder...
Copying db file...
Fixing hook perms...
Fixing base perms...
Fixing data perms...
Fixing config perms...
Fixing file perms...
Fixing cert perms...
Fixing app perms...

dockerd logs:

-- Logs begin at Wed 2018-05-09 15:00:03 CEST, end at Wed 2018-07-11 17:09:28 CEST. --
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234180149+02:00" level=info msg="Graph migration to content-addressability took 0.00 seconds"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234744480+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support swap memory limit"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237847146+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt period"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237936657+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt runtime"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.240866855+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.422398869+02:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.463440169+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.568835005+02:00" level=warning msg="failed to retrieve docker-init version: unknown output format: tini version 0.13.0\n"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570009695+02:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570075427+02:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=092cba3 graphdriver=overlay version=1.13.1
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.587032768+02:00" level=info msg="API listen on /var/run/docker.sock"

docker inspect:

{u'Status': u'exited', u'Pid': 0, u'OOMKilled': False, u'Dead': False, u'Paused': False, u'Running': False, u'FinishedAt': u'2018-07-11T15:09:28.302283256Z', u'Restarting': False, u'Error': u'', u'StartedAt': u'2018-07-11T15:09:25.101719191Z', u'ExitCode': 1}
{u'Data': {u'MergedDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/merged', u'WorkDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/work', u'LowerDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/27c79f1f81d649686df156ee6aabe416bf484af2f63458cf0d69103bcb7c91f5/root', u'UpperDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/upper'}, u'Name': u'overlay'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/univention-app", line 91, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/univention-app", line 78, in main
    ret = args.func(args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/__init__.py", line 226, in call_with_namespace
    result = self.main(namespace)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/install.py", line 73, in main
    return self.do_it(args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/install_base.py", line 107, in do_it
    self._do_it(app, args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/docker_install.py", line 63, in _do_it
    ret = super(Install, self)._do_it(app, args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/install.py", line 90, in _do_it
    if self._install_app(app, args):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/docker_install.py", line 57, in _install_app
    self._start_docker_image(app, hostdn, password, args)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/appcenter/actions/docker_base.py", line 249, in _start_docker_image
    raise AppCenterErrorContainerStart(msg)
The container for 4.2/owncloud=10.0.8-20180604 could not be started!

docker logs c6fdbcdc72e9ff1e01f77f8e6bcba32ef8298cc1d6340c70049076d8fa294105:

Creating volume folders...
Creating hook folders...
Waiting for MySQL...
wait-for-it: waiting 180 seconds for
wait-for-it: is available after 0 seconds
Removing custom folder...
Linking custom folder...
Removing config folder...
Linking config folder...
Copying db file...
Fixing hook perms...
Fixing base perms...
Fixing data perms...
Fixing config perms...
Fixing file perms...
Fixing cert perms...
Fixing app perms...

dockerd logs:

-- Logs begin at Wed 2018-05-09 15:00:03 CEST, end at Wed 2018-07-11 17:09:28 CEST. --
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234180149+02:00" level=info msg="Graph migration to content-addressability took 0.00 seconds"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.234744480+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support swap memory limit"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237847146+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt period"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.237936657+02:00" level=warning msg="Your kernel does not support cgroup rt runtime"
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.240866855+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Jul 11 14:57:33 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:33.422398869+02:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.463440169+02:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.568835005+02:00" level=warning msg="failed to retrieve docker-init version: unknown output format: tini version 0.13.0\n"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570009695+02:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.570075427+02:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=092cba3 graphdriver=overlay version=1.13.1
Jul 11 14:57:34 ucs dockerd[2148]: time="2018-07-11T14:57:34.587032768+02:00" level=info msg="API listen on /var/run/docker.sock"

docker inspect:

{u'Status': u'exited', u'Pid': 0, u'OOMKilled': False, u'Dead': False, u'Paused': False, u'Running': False, u'FinishedAt': u'2018-07-11T15:09:28.302283256Z', u'Restarting': False, u'Error': u'', u'StartedAt': u'2018-07-11T15:09:25.101719191Z', u'ExitCode': 1}
{u'Data': {u'MergedDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/merged', u'WorkDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/work', u'LowerDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/27c79f1f81d649686df156ee6aabe416bf484af2f63458cf0d69103bcb7c91f5/root', u'UpperDir': u'/var/lib/docker/overlay/5e9108413f10750e26ed11a240dfe4c6d84c3b48b9ba3a94389454268f67348a/upper'}, u'Name': u'overlay'}

I cannot see the concrete error that caused the installation to fail. I think that it occurs in the scripts running inside the docker container. Without a direct access to the system, which would require a support contract, it is really hard to debug this further.

I can give some more hints that you could try. First, i would try to reinstall the exact app version that was installed before the update. From the docker container image version i can see that it was owncloud version 10.0.1-20170523. So please try to install the app with univention-app install owncloud=10.0.1-20170523

If that does not work either, i would try to remove everything from the app setup and try to reinstall the app again.
That includes moving /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/owncloud/ to a backup directory, dropping the owncloud mysql database, deleting the mysql owncloud user, and removing the mysql pw file /etc/owncloud.secret.

I hope that helps.

now the container is back without login

Exception occurred while logging exception: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'owncloud'@'' (using password: YES)

how can i fix that then?
thanks so far!

univention-app install owncloud=10.0.1-20170523

then univention-app upgrade owncloud
two times

login owncloud owncloud
reset computer password
configured ldap

one working!

Sorry, i do not understand if owncloud is now working or not.
