I had my free ownCloud instance up and running in a VirtualBox, but unfortunatelly I had to reinstall my virtual machine from scratch using the UCS 5.0 with owncloud bundle I downloaded to perform my first installation.
After some attempts I finally could complete the installation, but when I try to access I get the “Invalid license key” message in the login page (as shown in the screenshot below).
Reading in the internet, I found it has been solved for other users by following these steps:
“Go to your Univention srv > App Center > Owncloud > Manage Instalation > App Settings > Delete OwnCloud enterprise license key > Apply changes > Restart App”
I’ve tried this same process (screeshot below) but I still have the same message.
I’ve also read another option could be entering directly to the MariaDB, but I’m not able to execute anything related with this:
Hi, as I’m using an Spanish keyboard, I wasn’t able to get this character but instead, I’ve connected with Putty and I’m able to paste the command you’ve shared.
The bad point is I’m not able to follow the steps I’ve found in the Internet concerning the deletion of the enterprise_key in the MariaDB. Is there any walkthrough that could be followed to remove the “enterprise key” or any other hints I could follow?