ownCloud container not starting

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I am using ownCloud in the version 10.0.1-20170523. Univention is upgraded to the latest version. Unfortunately the ownCloud docker container does not start. Because I am not that skilled I need someone who is able to find out why the docker container isn’t starting properly after the update of univention.
Please be so kind and tell me what particular information you need for helping me with this problem!

Best regards


The first place to look is the logs Docker stores for the container. Please post the output of

docker logs $(ucr get appcenter/apps/owncloud/container)

Hi Moritz,

can I send you the file via a dropbox link. It’s something around 170 Megabytes?

Best regards


I uploaded it to my private FTP-Server.

Please download with “owncloud” and “owncloud123!”

Best regards


Hi Moritz,

did you have the time to take a look into the file? I’d like to close the access to my ftp!

Best regards

Daniel Siegler

I did download the file; you can close the server again. I did not have time to look into it properly. Extremely busy with work at the moment.
