Some time ago I was already struggling with similar issues… [OpenProject install/usage fatal errors] (OpenProject install/usage fatal errors)
and now, when trying to “update” (fresh install actually) to the last OpenProject the problems are still here…
So, I firstly upgraded the UCS system from 4.2-3 to 4.3-2 (this also did not went smoothly) and then tried to install a fresh OpenProject 8.0.0…
No go - the installation was aborted very soon with the error: “cannot start docker container” - the reason? missing CMD/ENTRYPOINT executable. The installation tries to start the container with /sbin/init but there IS NO SUCH FILE in the image??!!
After a few retries I abandoned this and tried with the previous version - 7.3.1 - again problems!
This time it “installed stuff” quite some time but at the end the installation was aborted… something regarded to dialog and openproject package??
Is this “normal” or am I the only one with such problems with “things which should be extremely easy and user friendly”???