Old Active Directory LDAP Users not delete from UCS

Hello im running UCS 5.0-8 errata1085 and ive just notice that some really old users from my AD that i deleted a while ago (AD Windows server 2019) are not delete in UCS. When im searching for a delete AD user in UCS i can find it

If i select the user in UCS the delete option is grey out

I tried creating a new user and then delete it and it’s replicate. Seem like old user object that had issue deleting them in the past

How can i remove them ?

Thanks !

Well ive found a way to remove them

Create the user in AD and delete it

After that the old user in UCS is delete

I seem to have a lot of object not just users but also computers, OU who are not delete so if anyone have a solution to sync everything back to normal

Thanks !
