Office 365 connector: sign-in required every day


We started using Univention UCS with Office 365 connector and we’ve come across an issue that is quite disturbing.

Every day – about 8-10 hours – users are asked to sign-in with the federated domain.
We didn’t find any configuration related in Office 365.

We found a thread that said to change umc/http/session/timeout value. We increased it to 7 days (in seconds), restarted the server but the issue still persists.

Other Office 365 accounts (not federated) don’t have this issue which makes us think the root of the issue is in Univention UCS.

Could anyone help us what to change to not have to sign-in every day?

That’s probably the default SAML ticket validity as defined in /etc/simplesamlphp/config.php:

'session.duration'              =>  8 * (60*60), // 8 hours

We have created a Bug report to make it configurable:


Hi Daniel,

Thanks a lot for the info, I found the config right before you replied. :slight_smile:
Glad to hear that, I changed the duration.

Thanks again,

Hi Daniel,

I’ve changed the session.duration variable in these:


I understand I shouldn’t change anything created by templates but I’ve changed it in both. Once we find the solution I’ll implement it in the template file.

After the changes users are still asked to login every 8 hours, the server was restarted after the change.

Do you have any advice on this?


I checked the SAMLResponse I get when successfully authenticating through UCS and here is the interesting part of it:

  <saml:NameID SPNameQualifier="urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline" Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent">***</saml:NameID>
  <saml:SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
    <saml:SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2019-05-22T09:33:20Z" Recipient="" InResponseTo="_3b9f0c0d-94db-42ce-8f0d-597f3bd69c45"/>

<saml:Conditions NotBefore="2019-05-22T09:27:50Z" NotOnOrAfter="2019-05-22T09:33:20Z">

<saml:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2019-05-22T09:28:20Z" SessionNotOnOrAfter="2019-08-20T09:28:20Z" SessionIndex="***">

The AuthnStatement reflects the changed value of sessions.duration (90 days), however we are still asked to sign-in every day.

We also disabled these in the organization:

ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutEnabled                 : False
ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutWithSingleSignOnEnabled : False