Obtain "lastlogon" time of an user via REST-API

Hi all, im new at ucs and its rest-api

Im trying to program an app to help me maintaining users in some ways, i can read computers, groups, and users via api (uid, dn, user name, etc) but cant find any property for lastlogon time, i know it must be “somewhere” cause i can read it via “AD users and computers” windows utility (there are 2 attributes, lastLogon and lastLogonTimestamp) but cant find how to retrieve it via rest-api , users/user/* shows me some properties, but not those

thanks in advance

“Solved”, i found a workarround using ldap_get_entries from ldap php extension, maybe not the best option but it works :slight_smile:

ldap_search($ad,$dnbase, $filter, array(“lastlogon”))

Thanks anyway and if there’s a better rest-api aproach please tell me
