Hi to everyone,
i have the issue, that the office 365 connector plugin tries to update some user contact information from ucs to o365 and fails.
Here is some output of my log.
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.118 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:143 office 365 user listener active
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:164 listener observing attributes: ['displayName', 'employeeType', 'givenName', 'l', 'mail', 'mailAlternativeAddress', 'mailPrimaryAddress', 'mobile', 'postalCode', 'roomNumber', 'sn', 'st', 'street', 'telephoneNumber']
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:165 listener is also observing: ['krb5KDCFlags', 'krb5PasswordEnd', 'krb5ValidEnd', 'passwordexpiry', 'sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaKickoffTime', 'shadowExpire', 'shadowLastChange', 'shadowMax', 'univentionOffice365Enabled', 'userPassword', 'userexpiry']
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:166 attributes mapping UCS->AAD: {'telephoneNumber': 'telephoneNumber', 'employeeType': 'jobTitle', 'mailPrimaryAddress': 'otherMails', 'mobile': 'mobile', 'roomNumber': 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'l': 'city', 'st': 'usageLocation', 'mailAlternativeAddress': 'otherMails', 'street': 'streetAddress', 'sn': 'surname', 'postalCode': 'postalCode', 'mail': 'otherMails', 'givenName': 'givenName', 'displayName': 'displayName'}
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:167 attributes to sync anonymized: []
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:168 attributes to never sync: []
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:169 attributes to statically set in AAD: {}
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:170 attributes to sync: ['displayName', 'employeeType', 'givenName', 'l', 'mail', 'mailAlternativeAddress', 'mailPrimaryAddress', 'mobile', 'postalCode', 'roomNumber', 'sn', 'st', 'street', 'telephoneNumber']
> 18.05.17 16:28:23.120 LISTENER ( ERROR ) : o365(I): office365-user.<module>:171 attributes to sync from multiple sources: {'otherMails': ['mailPrimaryAddress', 'mailAlternativeAddress', 'mail']}
So the problem is, i have not configured/installed this connector on my own and therefore i perhaps have bit less information about how this works or where i have to look. Perhaps you have an idea what i have to check, to identify the problem.
Thanks a lot