Nubus at OpenDesk / ums-univention-portal

Hi Univention,

Thanks a lot for the Kubernetes Open Source Solution “Nubus”, which can be a good alternative to the Nubus OSS Base Keycloak or I think also to OSS Authentik.

I have a technical question about Nubus at OpenDesk with the Initial Setup of the ums-univention-portal.

The pods are using ansible for internal Setup process.

From my Point of View, that is not optimal for a Kubernetes Deployment, because that process with ansible is not a normal CICD deployment of Containers.

Typically you will deploy or configure your Application with ansible on a Server, but you dont want to use that at a Micro Service Deployment.

Are there any plans to Take over this process (more!) with helm Charts, Job Containers or maybe an Kubernetes Operator? I think that will Work much more better, as for example the Deployment of Opendesk with Nubus have problems at the Deployment process, because Setup can not be deployed in Time, as I have discovered.

From my Point of View that can also be a Problem by using ansible inside of Kubernetes Containers!

Maybe because of my Missing knowledge - for me or other users IT can be helpful to understand why Univention is using ansible for an Microservice Setup process, at Nubus with ums-univention-portal.

Thanks a Lot,
Keep moving on and have a Lot of Fun,
