Noctua Athene GUI Access?


There documentation for Noctua fails to articulate how to connect to the web GUI. The App portal link simply redirects to the exact page of the App Portal. I suspect this is a bug as the Docker container is fully functioning.

I’ve dropped an email to about the issue but still haven’t received a response. Who has successfully installed and connected to the GUI that can provide the details here?




the settings for the webinterface seem to be wrong. I managed to reach the webinterface with http://server-name:18080/icsw/main.html. I hope this allows you to proceed. We are in contact with the app vendor to sort this out.

I was able to connect with that URL as well.

The surprise was using a pre-baked user i.d. of admin and a temporary pass of admin to gain access to the main screen. I was expecting to use SSO and the user accounts already setup in the Directory.

Is that a wrong expectation on my part?



No, it is not a wrong expectation. We actually see it quite often with all kinds of apps. This kind of integration has not been implemented by the app provider. Your feedback is very useful though and my help to move the app forward into this direction.


can you please tell me what i.d. you used for your fist login on noctua please? cause i can’t access to the web ui with my ldap credentials.

Thank you.

id: admin
pass: admin

it doesn’t work for me… no way to connect to noctua web interface.
I tried a lot of id without success :confused:

Yeah, the Noctua app breaks with each base OS update release. I haven’t been able to get past the Setup In Progress screen noted earlier in this thread. The few times I was able to connect uncovered a nice UI. However, the Windows agent I installed on a Win 7 machine for testing didn’t work.

The Noctua team has a good bit of work ahead if they wish to provide this app on the UCS platform.

OK thank you for your feedback. I’ll wait for updates … :slight_smile:
have a nice day.
