No UMC after update to 4.2 from 4.1-5

i upgraded my UCS from 4.1-5 to 4.2 now i only get a blank page when trying to access “

Seems like i also have a problem with this bug:
I removed the attribute @univentionPortalEntry and @PortalEntry from the config.
As i had this message in my logs:

5f3cf963 OVER: Loading Translog Overlay
5f3cf963 OVER: db_init
5f3cf963 OVER: Configuring Translog Overlay
5f3cf963 OVER: Configured Translog Overlay to use file “/var/lib/univention-ldap/listener/listener”
5f3cf963 /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 205: unknown attr “@univentionPortalEntry” in to clause
5f3cf963 ::= access to [ by [ ] [ ] ]+
::= * | dn[.=] [filter=] [attrs=]
::= [val[/][.]=] |
::= [ , ]
::= | @ | ! | entry | children
::= [ * | anonymous | users | self | dn[.]= ]
[ realanonymous | realusers | realself | realdn[.]= ]
[peername[.]=] [sockname[.]=]
[domain[.]=] [sockurl[.]=]
[ssf=] [transport_ssf=] [tls_ssf=] [sasl_ssf=]

::= exact | regex | base(Object) ::= base(Object) | one(level) | sub(tree) | children | exact | regex ::= exact | regex | base(Object) | one(level) | sub(tree) | children ::= exact | regex | ip | ipv6 | path ::= exact | regex | base(Object) | sub(tree) ::= [[real]self]{|} ::= none|disclose|auth|compare|search|read|{write|add|delete}|manage ::= {=|+|-}{0|d|x|c|s|r|{w|a|z}|m}+ ::= [ stop | continue | break ] dynacl: =ACI = slapschema: bad configuration file!