No "E-Mail"-Setting Menü


i have install the UCS with standard settings (create Domain, install “Mailsystem”, uninstall “Fetchmail”), but there is no “E-Mail”-Setting Menü unter “Domäne” or somewhere else. I have install this apps: Mailserver, OX App Suite, OX Documents, Self Service.

Any ideas, how i manage shared folders, mail-aliases etc?


when installing OX App Suite the default E-Mail UMC module will be superseded by a modules named “OX Mail” (or something like that). At least this was the case when I had a look at it a while back.

Dirk Ahrnke

Hi Dirk,

thank you for yor reply. Yes, the “OX Mail” button i have, but there is nothing to manage:


if i klick on the Mail-Domäne:


there are no options?

Just click on “Hinzufügen” (“Add”) to see other objects to configure.

Edit: in most cases there is no need to configure the mail-domain and the OX Context.
