NFS wither Kerberos


i want to set up nfsv4 with Kerberos on my ucs 4.4.3 and follow these instructions:

I am at the point “Samba 4 Domain” and here the following line is mentioned:

samba-tool spn add nfs/<nfs-server or client host>.$(hostname -d)/$(hostname -d) <nfs-server or client host>\$

I’m not quite sure how to adjust this line. the FQHN of my server (Master, Samba4, NFS) is “tux.gehr.lan”.

with best

Mir ist jetzt aber nicht klar wie ich vorgehen muss oder geht es gar nicht?

And what is unclear exactly? You have to execute the script for each NFS server. You could do this on the DC Master and distribute the key tabs to the servers afterwards.

Pretty much everything :frowning: first I go after the wiki? … well:

Creation of a “virtual root” folder

mkdir /nfs4

edit the /etc/exports

/nfs4 gss/krb5(rw,sync,fsid=0,insecure,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)

Adding a share - Inclusion of the Directory in the Exports Directory

mkdir /nfs4/test

Edit the /etc/fstab

/data/test /nfs4/test none bind 0 0

an mount the orginal in the export-dir

mount /nfs4/test

now I activate on the share (which already exists … Samba) the NFS export parameters:

Since I want to have Kerberos Authentication I write to /etc/exports:

/nfs4/test gss/krb5(rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)

this now contains:

/nfs4 gss/krb5(rw,sync,fsid=0,insecure,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)
"/data/test" -rw,root_squash,async,subtree_check # LDAP:cn=test,cn=tux.gehr.lan,cn=shares,dc=gehr,dc=lan
/nfs4/test gss/krb5(rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)

I think it’s clear up to here. What’s the next step? With the command mentioned in the Wiki:

samba-tool spn add nfs/<nfs-server or client host>.$(hostname -d)/$(hostname -d) <nfs-server or client host>\$

or those in the samba wiki:

samba-tool spn add host/fdqn@KerberosRealm <sAMAccount name> 
samba-tool domain exportkeytab  <name>.keytab  --principal=[<sAMAccount name> | <SPN>]

and how to customize these commands for my case “NFS4 + Samba4 on server: tux.gehr.lan”.

No go after the linked thread!

And by the way, this is legacy syntax:

what is the correct syntax?

"/home" -rw,root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check,sec=krb5p

But as said in the linked thread, you can set the option sec=krb5p via the the UMC, so you haveN’t care about the syntax.
