Nextcloud Join Script


ich habe heute einen neuen Server aufgesetzt. Leider funktioniert das Nextcloud Script nicht.

Der Server ist Domain-Master und mit dem AD Connector an einer Windows Domäne verbunden.

RUNNING 50nextcloud.inst
2019-01-10 18:23:17.504976979+01:00 (in joinscript_init)
Object exists: cn=services,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
Object exists: cn=Nextcloud,cn=services,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
WARNING: cannot append Nextcloud to service, value exists
No modification: cn=RZ-NC01,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/modifyUsersFilter
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/userEnabled
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/userQuota
Not updating nextcloud/ucs/debug
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/cacheTTL
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/homeFolderAttribute
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/userSearchAttributes
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/userDisplayName
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/groupDisplayName
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/base
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/baseUsers
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/baseGroups
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/filterLogin
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/filterUsers
Not updating nextcloud/ldap/filterGroups
Object exists: cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
INFO: No change of core data of object nextcloud.
No modification: cn=nextcloud,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de

Waiting for activation of the extension object nextcloud: OK
Object exists: cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
E: Object exists: cn=nextcloudUserEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
No modification: cn=nextcloudUserEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
E: Object exists: cn=nextcloudUserQuota,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
No modification: cn=nextcloudUserQuota,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
E: Object exists: cn=nextcloudGroupEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
No modification: cn=nextcloudGroupEnabled,cn=nextcloud,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=rz,dc=koella,dc=de
tail: univention/join.log: Datei abgeschnitten
curl failed with error 51
Failed to request an LDAP config id from Nextcloud
__JOINERR__:FAILED: /usr/lib/univention-install/50nextcloud.inst

Do 10. Jan 18:23:22 CET 2019
univention-run-join-scripts finished

Code 51 sagt überhaupt nichts und ich weiß nicht, wie ich das nun zum Laufen bekommen soll.

Hello @Corin

for our international users, I respond in English. I hope this is ok for you. Short summary for the international users: There is a UCS system newly installed and the Nextcloud join script exits according to the posted log. The UCS system is a domain controller master connected to a Windows domain via the AD Connector.

Now to your question. The log says curl failed with error 51. Having a look at the curl manpage it says for error 51: The peer's SSL certificate or SSH MD5 fingerprint was not OK. There is some issue with the SSL certificate during the curl requests towards the Nextcloud API.

Can you please provide UCS version and Nextcloud version used? univention-app info.

Best regards,
