Nextcloud Hub join script error 51 curl


after using UCS for a longer period and Nextcloud seems to overhaul Owncloud, I want to switch from Owncloud to Nextcloud.
Configuration: A longer existing installation of UCS with installed Owncloud. Additionally Kopano for Email is installed. All accessible through the internet, secured by let’s encrypt.

***@lserver2000:~$ sudo univention-app info
UCS: 4.4-4 errata528
Installed: cups=2.2.1 kde=5.8 kopano-core= kopano-webapp= letsencrypt=1.2.2-8 samba4=4.10 self-service=4.0 z-push-kopano=2.4.5 4.3/dudle=1.2.0-1 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1 4.1/nextcloud=18.0.3-0

Last bit from the join log:

Config value type for app user_saml set to saml
Config value general-require_provisioned_account for app user_saml set to 1
Config value general-allow_multiple_user_back_ends for app user_saml set to 1
Config value general-uid_mapping for app user_saml set to uid
Config value idp-singleLogoutService.url for app user_saml set to https://ucs-sso.gottwaldnet.intranet/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutService.php
Config value idp-singleSignOnService.url for app user_saml set to https://ucs-sso.gottwaldnet.intranet/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/SSOService.php
Config value idp-entityId for app user_saml set to https://ucs-sso.gottwaldnet.intranet/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/metadata.php
curl failed with error 51
Failed to request an LDAP config id from Nextcloud

How to resolve this?

Thanks and regards

Removed LetsEncrypt
Join-Script ran properly
Installed LetsEncrypt again
Read in one of the articles regarding the same problem.


Hello @showboarder

thanks for your posting and good to see you could fix it. I have one question for understanding:

In which article? Could you please link it? Thank you.

Best regards,

Hi Nico,
I followed this
There’s the recognition somewhere that the LetsEncrypt and the internal domain name were not the same. Proposal was to get back to the origin UCS CA and then run the join-script.
that’s exactly what I’ve don, as mentioned above.

Sorry wrong usage:
the article article