today I’ve updated the new new v4 version of univention-appcenter-contro from https://wiki.univention.de/index.php/Provider_Portal/Apps and since then I get a traceback when trying to create a new version of an app (specifically only this app, have not tried another one yet). But regardless of the traceback the version seems to be created in the app center.
if [ -z 4.9.2 ] ; then echo "no target app_version specified"; exit 13; fi
univention-appcenter-control new-version "4.2/mattermost" "4.2/mattermost=4.9.2" || true
Curling https://provider-portal.software-univention.de/univention/auth
Curling https://provider-portal.software-univention.de/univention/command/appcenter-selfservice/api
Curling https://provider-portal.software-univention.de/univention/command/appcenter-selfservice/query
Curling https://provider-portal.software-univention.de/univention/command/appcenter-selfservice/copy
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 210, in call_with_namespace
result = self.main(namespace)
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 522, in main
return self.new_version(args)
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 542, in new_version
self.log('New version for %s:' % app['id'])
KeyError: 'id'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 674, in <module>
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 662, in main
ret = args.func(args)
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 210, in call_with_namespace
result = self.main(namespace)
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 522, in main
return self.new_version(args)
File "/home/fbartels/bin/univention-appcenter-control", line 542, in new_version
self.log('New version for %s:' % app['id'])
KeyError: 'id'