New RocketChat support cycles

For RocketChat this got announced:

The core information is that one:
Rocket.Chat will support the prior minor release for 3 months and the prior major release for 6 months
And we are quite far off version-wise. As long everything works fine within the UCS landscape supposedly no-one will care too much. However, will the included amount of push notifications work as now?

thank you in advance

it will (nearly) all be over by the end of october for the latest (and very old) release of the UCS-RocketChat Server. I’ve received the following e-mail from official support at on october 16th:

If this workspace is not updated within 15 days, the following will occur:

  • Users will no longer be able to sign in from mobile and desktop apps
  • Users will stop receiving mobile push notifications
  • It will no longer be possible to install marketplace apps
  • Omnichannel social channels: WhatsApp Cloud, WhatsApp 360Dialog, Instagram Direct, Twitter, Telegram and Messenger will stop working

Unless you just use the web frontend of RC the future user experience will be very poor and security reasons are listed in that e-mail, too. I spoke with two people from Rocket Chat Customer Support months ago. They even did not know anything about a company named Univention.

Well, how could the owner of RocketChat prevent any of my tools to work with the currently well working server…
It may be true that a future version of the client is implemented to refuse to connect to an older version of a server.
More apparently not intended by RocketChat. But if there is a problem - no support to be expected.

In the end it will be less harsh than it could be.
Just having resources to handle any third party decision is quite unlikely. Not just for Univention.
However, it would be nice to have an idea about Univentions plans at this topic. Still the integration page shows the 3.18.2-ucs1 version for 5.0.

May be the guys at RocketChat already implemented the cut-off in the past. My iPadOS-Client (v4.42.1) indicates this by showing a red dot next to the burger menu button at the upper left corner. A tap on this button show an “Update required” message. Tapping on this shows:

Workspace version unsupported
Desktop and mobile app access to https:// will be cut off in 19 day(s).
This workspace is running an unsupported version of Rocket.Chat. Your workspace admin needs to update to at least v6.3.10 to prevent cutoff.

Well, seems the deadline has been pushed back a few days but updating to v6.3.10 seems to be a very big step.

Well, once I experienced that: I was taking part in a huge LAN party in Göttingen: 2000 participants. 2003 or somewhat later I guess.
That Weekend Valve announced: from now on you have to stick to Steam. CS got modified for this change versions before. What an outcry. I did not use steam yet and I kept away over Decades.

I do not expect this from that 3.x version.
However: they may have their hands on a tap for the push notifications.

I can understand when companies want/need to shrink their support efforts. But any move kind of back stabbing their own community should end up in a huge sh1t storm. And users will run away in droves.
Well, regarding that support efforts: objective achieved. But not in a way any company need. See Unity engine.

huh, what is this:

someone over there definitely knows about UCS
the relevant people should connect…

Today I got this mail:

Hallo lieber Rocket.Chat-Nutzer,

wir haben für den 20.11.2023 eine Deadline angekündigt, bei der die Unterstützung von Rocket.Chat Installationen für Versionen < 6.3.0 eingestellt wird, weil sich unser Produkt erheblich weiter entwickelt hat und wir alte Zöpfe abschneiden müssen.

Für alle Kunden von Univention haben wir einer Verlängerung der Frist bis zum 5.12.2023 zugestimmt. In dieser Mail geht es erst einmal nur darum, den “Druck aus dem Kessel” zu nehmen. Am Freitag (17.11.2023) erfolgt eine ausführlichere Mail mit detaillierten Informationen zu Upgrades, neuen Features und den dazugehörigen Lizenzmodellen.

Wir verbleiben mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Ihr Rocket.Chat-Team

In short and english: They push back the deadline for univention users to the 5th of december. Next friday they will give more Information about upgrades, features and licences.

Ich hab die gleiche e-Mail bekommen.

Ich mag die Idee hinter dem UCS. Wenn wir uns auf deutsch unterhalten bleiben wir in der DACH Region sozusagen “unter uns”. Wenn es jemanden gibt der aus anderen Ländern zufällig hier landet: er kann unseren Austausch nachvollziehen wenn der auf englisch stattfindet. Englisch ist ja mehr oder weniger die Dokumentations-Sprache in der IT.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn es weltweit Zuspruch findet. Mehr Kundschaft bedeutet für uns breiteren Community Support, mehr Wissensaustausch und mehr Ressourcen für Univention die deren Support zur Verfügung stehen.
